Finalmente ho capito: aggiungi questo al tuo .bash_profile
function foomagick() {
rm -f ~/.foomagick.tmp
ls /Applications/ | grep "\.app" | grep -v iWork | while read APP; do
# clean it up
a=`echo $APP | sed s/\ //g`;
a=`echo $a | sed s/\'//g`;
echo alias ${a%.*}="'open -a \"${APP%.*}\"'" >> ~/.foomagick.tmp
source ~/.foomagick.tmp
rm ~/.foomagick.tmp
Ora il seguente lavoro:
Skim # open
Skim foo.pdf
FireFox # ERROR. Looks for local file.
Modifica di Reid:
Ho implementato quanto sopra come uno script Python che crea script wrapper anziché alias. Dovrai inserire il ~/bin/mankoffmagic
tuo percorso. Se vuoi che gli involucri vengano aggiornati automaticamente, eseguilo regolarmente da cron o somesuch.
# This script automagically updates a set of wrapper shell scripts in
# ~/bin/mankoffmagic which call Mac apps installed in /Applications.
# Inspired by mankoff's shell alias posted on; see:
# Notes/Bugs:
# 1. Does not follow symlinks (aliases?)
# 2. Assumes that application names do not contain double-quotes.
# 3. Not very smart about finding the actual binary (it guesses). This is
# wrong sometimes, e.g. Firefox. Probably a deeper understanding of the app
# package structure would fix this.
import copy
import glob
import os
import os.path
import re
BINDIR = os.path.expandvars("$HOME/bin/mankoffmagic")
APP_RE = re.compile(r'(.*)\.app$')
STRIP_RE = re.compile(r'[\W_]+')
def main():
# We aggressively delete everything already in BINDIR, to save the trouble
# of analyzing what should stay
for f in glob.glob("%s/*" % BINDIR):
# Walk /Applications and create a wrapper shell script for each .app dir
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk("/Applications"):
dirs_real = copy.copy(dirs) # so we can manipulate dirs while looping
for d in dirs_real:
#print "checking %s" % os.path.join(root, d)
m =
if (m is not None):
#print "Found " +
dirs.remove(d) # no need to recurse into app
create_script(root, d,
def create_script(path, appdir, appname):
# remove non-alphanumerics and downcase it
wrapper = STRIP_RE.sub('', appname).lower()
wrapper = os.path.join(BINDIR, wrapper)
fp = open(wrapper, "w")
# Twiddle the comments in the script depending on whether you want to
# invoke the binary or use "open" -- the former lets you use any
# command-line args, while the latter is more Mac-like (app puts itself in
# the front, etc.)
exec "%s/%s/Contents/MacOS/%s" "$@"
#open -a "%s" "$@"
""" % (path, appdir, appname, appname))
os.chmod(wrapper, 0700)
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
open -a Skim foo.pdf