Il mio codice a barre è valido?


Un codice a barre EAN-8 include 7 cifre di informazioni e un'ottava cifra di checksum.

Il checksum viene calcolato moltiplicando alternativamente le cifre per 3 e 1, aggiungendo i risultati e sottraendo dal multiplo successivo di 10.

Ad esempio, date le cifre 2103498:

Digit:        2   1   0   3   4   9   8
Multiplier:   3   1   3   1   3   1   3
Result:       6   1   0   3  12   9  24

La somma di queste cifre risultanti è 55 , quindi la cifra di checksum è 60 - 55 = 5

La sfida

Il tuo compito è, dato un codice a barre a 8 cifre, verificare se è valido - restituire un valore di verità se il checksum è valido e falsificare diversamente.

  • È possibile accettare input in uno dei seguenti modi:
    • Una stringa, lunga 8 caratteri, che rappresenta le cifre del codice a barre
    • Un elenco di 8 numeri interi, le cifre del codice a barre
    • Un numero intero non negativo (puoi assumere zero iniziali dove non ne viene fornito nessuno, ovvero 1= 00000001, oppure richiedere input con gli zero indicati)
  • I builtin che calcolano il checksum EAN-8 (cioè prendono le prime 7 cifre e calcolano l'ultima) sono banditi.
  • Questo è , quindi vince il programma più breve (in byte)!

Casi test

20378240 -> True
33765129 -> True
77234575 -> True
00000000 -> True

21034984 -> False
69165430 -> False
11965421 -> False
12345678 -> False

Questa domanda non riguarda in realtà un codice a barre (che è la cosa a strisce bianche e nere), ma il numero codificato da un codice a barre. Il numero può esistere senza un codice a barre e il codice a barre può codificare altre cose oltre agli EAN. Forse solo " Il mio EAN-8 è valido " è un titolo migliore?
Paŭlo Ebermann,

@ PaŭloEbermann non ha proprio lo stesso anello ...

Quando leggo i codici a barre, mi aspetto una lettura dell'immagine (o almeno una stringa di bit), non la verifica di un checksum.
Paŭlo Ebermann,

Fortemente correlato , poiché un ISBN-13 è un EAN.
Olivier Grégoire



Gelatina , 7 byte


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Come funziona

s2Sḅ3⁵ḍ  Main link. Argument: [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] (digit array)

s2       Split into chunks of length 2, yielding [[a,b], [c,d], [e,f], [g,h]].
  S      Take the sum of the pairs, yielding [a+c+e+g, b+d+f+h].
   ḅ3    Convert from ternary to integer, yielding 3(a+c+e+g) + (b+d+f+h).
     ⁵ḍ  Test if the result is divisible by 10.


JavaScript (ES6), 41 40 38 byte

Salvato 2 byte grazie a @ETHProductions e 1 byte grazie a @Craig Ayre.


Accetta input come un elenco di cifre.

Determina la somma di tutte le cifre, incluso il checksum.

Se la somma è un multiplo di 10, allora è un codice a barre valido.

Casi test

Stavo per dire che potresti risparmiare 3 byte passando dalla pre-ricorsione alla post-ricorsione con g=([n,...s],i=3,t=0)=>n?g(s,4-i,t+n*i):t%10<1, ma potresti aver trovato un modo migliore ...

Grazie, @ETHproductions, sono passato a map, che penso funzioni meglio poiché l'input può essere un elenco di cifre anziché una stringa.
Rick Hitchcock,

Forse salvare un altro byte con s=>>t+=e*(i=4-i),t=i=1)&&t%10==1?

Sì, brillante, grazie

Ottima soluzione! Potresti rimpiazzarlo &&con |l'output 1/0 dato che è consentita la verità / la falsità?
Craig Ayre,


Jelly, 8 bytes


Try the test suite.

Jelly, 9 bytes


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How this works

m2Ḥ+µS⁵ḍ ~ Full program.

m2 ~ Modulare 2. Restituisce ogni secondo elemento dell'ingresso.
  Ḥ ~ Raddoppia ciascuno.
   + µ ~ Aggiunge l'input e avvia una nuova catena monadica.
     S ~ Sum.
      ⁵ḍ ~ È divisibile per 10?
JḂḤ '× µS⁵ḍ ~ Programma completo (monadico).

Intervallo di lunghezza indicizzato J ~ 1.
 Bit ~ Bit; Modulo ogni numero nell'intervallo sopra di 2.
  Ḥ ~ Raddoppia ciascuno.
   '~ Incrementa ciascuno.
    × ~ Moltiplicazione a coppie con l'input.
     µ ~ Avvia una nuova catena monadica.
      S ~ Sum.
       ⁵ḍ ~ La somma è divisibile per 10?

Il risultato per le prime 7 cifre del codice a barre e della cifra di checksum deve essere aggiunto a un multiplo di 10 per essere valido. Pertanto, il checksum è valido se l'algoritmo applicato all'intero elenco è divisibile per 10 .

Still 9 bytes but with consistent values: JḂḤ‘×µS⁵ḍ

@HyperNeutrino Thanks, I knew there was an atom for this!
Mr. Xcoder

Also 9 bytes: JḂaḤ+µS⁵ḍ :P

@HyperNeutrino Well there are a lot of alternatives :P
Mr. Xcoder

8 bytes or 8 characters? m2Ḥ+µS⁵ḍ is 15 bytes in UTF-8, unless I've calculated it wrong.


MATL, 10 bytes

Thanks to @Zgarb for pointing out a mistake, now corrected.


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Ilh     % Push [1 3]
Y"      % Implicit input. Run-length decoding. For each entry in the
        % first input, this produces as many copies as indicated by
        % the corresponding entry of the second input. Entries of
        % the second input are reused cyclically
s       % Sum of array
10\     % Modulo 10
~       % Logical negate. Implicit display


Befunge-98 (PyFunge), 16 14 bytes

Saved 2 bytes by skipping the second part using j instead of ;s, as well as swapping a ~ and + in the first part to get rid of a + in the second.


Input is in 8 digits (with leading 0s if applicable) and nothing else.

Outputs via exit code (open the debug dropdown on TIO), where 1 is true and 0 is false.

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This program uses a variety of tricks.

First of all, it takes the digits in one by one through their ASCII values. Normally, this would require subtracting 48 from each value as we read it from the input. However, if we don't modify it, we are left with 16 (3+1+3+1+3+1+3+1) extra copies of 48 in our sum, meaning our total is going to be 768 greater than what it "should" be. Since we are only concerned with the sum mod 10, we can just add 2 to the sum later. Thus, we can take in raw ASCII values, saving 6 bytes or so.

Secondly, this code only checks if every other character is an EOF, because the input is guaranteed to be only 8 characters long.

Thirdly, the # at the end of the line doesn't skip the first character, but will skip the ; if coming from the other direction. This is better than putting a #; at the front instead.

Because the second part of our program is only run once, we don't have to set it up so that it would skip the first half when running backwards. This lets us use the jump command to jump over the second half, as we exit before executing it going backwards.

Step by step

Note: "Odd" and "Even" characters are based on a 0-indexed system. The first character is an even one, with index 0.

~3*+~+      Main loop - sum the digits (with multiplication)
~           If we've reached EOF, reverse; otherwise take char input. This will always
                be evenly indexed values, as we take in 2 characters every loop.
 3*+        Multiply the even character by 3 and add it to the sum.
    ~       Then, take an odd digit - we don't have to worry about EOF because
                the input is always 8 characters.
     +      And add it to the sum.
      6j    Jump over the second part - We only want to run it going backwards.

        q!%a+2    The aftermath (get it? after-MATH?)
            +2    Add 2 to the sum to make up for the offset due to reading ASCII
          %a      Mods the result by 10 - only 0 if the bar code is valid
         !        Logical not the result, turning 0s into 1s and anything else into 0s
        q         Prints the top via exit code and exits


C,  78  77 bytes


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C (gcc), 72 bytes


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Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 26 21 bytes


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Takes input as a list of 8 digits.

How it works

2-9^Range@8 is congruent modulo 10 to 2-(-1)^Range@8, which is {3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1}. We take the dot product of this list with the input, and check if the result is divisible by 10.

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 33 bytes and non-competing


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Takes input as a string. Returns 1 for valid barcodes and 0 for invalid ones.

How it works

The best thing I could find in the way of a built-in (since Mathematica is all about those).

The inside bit, #~BarcodeImage~"EAN8";1, generates an image of the EAN8 barcode, then ignores it entirely and evaluates to 1. However, if the barcode is invalid, then BarcodeImage generates a warning, which Check catches, returning 0 in that case.

Are you doing the calculation by hand because it's shorter, or because Wolfram doesn't yet have a ValidateEAN8BarCode() function somewhere in its standard library?

@Mark Mathematica can't validate the barcode directly, but I just found BarcodeImage, which generates the image of the barcode, and validates the barcode in the process. So Check[#~BarcodeImage~"EAN8";0,1]<1& would work (but it's longer).
Misha Lavrov


Java 8, 58 56 55 bytes

a->{int r=0,m=1;for(int i:a)r+=(m^=2)*i;return r%10<1;}

-2 bytes indirectly thanks to @RickHitchcock, by using (m=4-m)*i instead of m++%2*2*i+i after seeing it in his JavaScript answer.
-1 byte indirectly thanks to @ETHProductions (and @RickHitchcock), by using (m^=2)*i instead of (m=4-m)*i.


Try it here.

a->{              // Method with integer-array parameter and boolean return-type
  int r=0,        //  Result-sum
      m=1;        //  Multiplier
  for(int i:a)    //  Loop over the input-array
    r+=           //   Add to the result-sum:
       (m^=2)     //    Either 3 or 1,
       *i;        //    multiplied by the digit
                  //  End of loop (implicit / single-line body)
  return r%10<1;  //  Return if the trailing digit is a 0
}                 // End of method

You can save another byte with a trick @ETHProductions showed me: change m=4-m to m^=2.
Rick Hitchcock

@RickHitchcock Ah, of course.. I use ^=1 pretty often in answers when I want to alter between 0 and 1. ^=2 works in this case to alter between 1 and 3. Nice trick, and thanks for the comment to mention it. :)
Kevin Cruijssen


05AB1E, 14 bytes


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Needs leading 0s, takes list of digits.

Seems to fail on 3100004 (should be truthy).

@Zgarb You're missing a 0 there.
Erik the Outgolfer

Oh, it takes a string? Okay then, my bad.

@Zgarb Well, you can omit the quotes, but yes, you do need the leading 0. This answer actually uses number functions on strings, one of the features of 05AB1E.
Erik the Outgolfer

@Mr.Xcoder The question isn't very clear on that, I'll add another code which does handle for that below.
Erik the Outgolfer


Pyth, 8 bytes


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Pyth, 13 bytes

If we can assume the input always has exactly 8 digits:


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How does this work?

!es+*2%2 ~ Full program.

      %2 ~ Input[::2]. Every second element of the input.
    *2   ~ Double (repeat list twice).
   +     ~ Append the input.
  s      ~ Sum.
 e       ~ Last digit.
!        ~ Logical NOT.
!es.e*sbhy%hk2 ~ Full program.

               ~ Convert the input to a String.
   .e          ~ Enumerated map, storing the current value in b and the index in k.
          %hk2 ~ Inverted parity of the index. (k + 1) % 2.
        hy     ~ Double, increment. This maps odd integers to 1 and even ones to 3.
      b        ~ The current digit.
     *         ~ Multiply.
  s            ~ Sum.
 e             ~ Last digit.
!              ~ Logical negation.

If the sum of the first 7 digit after being applied the algorithm is subtracted from 10 and then compared to the last digit, this is equivalent to checking whether the sum of all the digits, after the algorithm is applied is a multiple of 10.

Seems to fail on 3100004 (should be truthy).

@Zgarb Wait should we do 3*3+1*1+0*3+... or 0*3+3*1+1*0..? I thought we are supposed to do the former
Mr. Xcoder

In the new spec, leading digits are added to ensure there are exactly 8 (if I understand correctly).

@Zgarb Ok, fixed.
Mr. Xcoder


Retina, 23 22 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Martin Ender!


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Example input: 20378240


Replace each couple of digits with the first digit repeated twice followed by the couple itself. We get 2220333788824440


Convert each digit to unary. With parentheses added for clarity, we get (11)(11)(11)()(111)(111)...


Count the number of matches of the empty string, which is one more than the number of ones in the string. (With the last two steps we have basically taken the sum of each digit +1) Result: 60


Match a 1 at the end of the string. We have multiplied digits by 3 and 1 alternately and summed them, for a valid barcode this should be divisible by 10 (last digit 0); but we also added 1 in the last step, so we want the last digit to be 1. Final result: 1.

I think you can drop the . on the match stage and match 1$ at the end.
Martin Ender

@MartinEnder very nice, I'll do that, thanks!


PowerShell, 85 bytes


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Implements the algorithm as defined. Takes input $a, pulls out each digit with "$a"[0..6] and loops through them with |%{...}. Each iteration, we take the digit, cast it as a string "$_" then cast it as an int + before multiplying it by either 3 or 1 (chosen by incrementing $i modulo 2).

Those results are all gathered together and summed -join'+'|iex. We take that result mod 10, subtract that from 10, and again take the result mod 10 (this second mod is necessary to account for the 00000000 test case). We then check whether that's -equal to the last digit. That Boolean result is left on the pipeline and output is implicit.

Seems to fail on 3100004 (should be truthy).

@Zgarb Works for me? Try it online!

Ah ok, I tested it without the quotes.

@Zgarb Ah, yeah. Without the quotes, PowerShell will implicitly cast as an integer, stripping the leading zero(s).


Jelly, 16 bytes


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takes input as a list of digits

Nitpick: your TIO timeouts. Also, 16 bytes.
Erik the Outgolfer

@EriktheOutgolfer Wait what how. It works when I put the D in the footer. And yay thanks! :D

@EriktheOutgolfer Am I doing something wrong? Your 16-byter appears to be invalid?

Maybe, it works kinda differently, but yours seems a bit invalid too...specifically I think the last line should be DµṪ=Ç.
Erik the Outgolfer

Seems to fail on 3100004 (should be truthy).


APL (Dyalog), 14 bytes

Equivalent with streetster's solution.

Full program body. Prompts for list of numbers from STDIN.

0=10|+/⎕×83 1

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0= zero equal to

10| the mod-10 of

+/ the sum of

⎕× the input times

8⍴3 1 eight elements cyclically taken from [3,1]


You mean APL can't do it in one character from something like Ancient Sumerian or Linear B?

train: 0=10|-/+2×+/


05AB1E, 9 bytes


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3X‚7∍*OTÖ    # Argument a
3X‚          # Push [3, 1]
   7∍        # Extend to length 7
     *       # Multiply elements with elements at same index in a
      O      # Total sum
       TÖ    # Divisible by 10

Nice! First thing I thought was "extend to length" when I saw this, haven't used that one yet.
Magic Octopus Urn

31×S*OTÖ for 8 bytes. × just pushes 31 n number of times. When you multiply, it automatically drops the extra 31's.
Magic Octopus Urn

@MagicOctopusUrn That seems to fail on the 6th testcase 69165430 -> 1


J, 17 bytes

-10 bytes thanks to cole

0=10|1#.(8$3 1)*]

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This uses multiplication of equal sized lists to avoid the zip/multiply combo of the original solution, as well as the "base 1 trick" 1#. to add the products together. The high level approach is similar to the original explanation.

original, 27 bytes

0=10|{:+[:+/[:*/(7$3 1),:}:

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0 =                                        is 0 equal to... 
    10 |                                   the remainder when 10 divides...
         {: +                              the last input item plus...
              [: +/                        the sum of...
                    [: */                  the pairwise product of...
                          7$(3 1) ,:       3 1 3 1 3 1 3 zipped with...
                                     }:    all but the last item of the input

0=10|1#.(8$3 1)*] should work for 17 bytes (does the same algorithm, too). I'm pretty sure that in the beta you can have a hook ended on the right side with a noun, so 0=10|1#.]*8$3 1 may work for 15 (I'd check on tio but it seems to be down?)

@cole, I love this improvement. I've learned about and forgotten the 1#. trick like 2 or 3 times... thanks for reminding me. Oh btw the 15 byte version did not work in TIO.


C (gcc), 84 82 72 61 54 bytes


-21 bytes from Neil

-7 bytes from Nahuel Fouilleul

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Developed independently of Steadybox's answer

'f' is a function that takes the barcode as an int, and returns 1 for True and 0 for False.

  • f stores the last digit of x in s (s=x%10),

  • Then calculates the sum in c (for(i=c=0;x;x/=10)c+=(1+2*i++%4)*x;)

    • c is the sum, i is a counter

    • for each digit including the first, add 1+2*i%4 times the digit (x%10) to the checksum and increment i (the i++ in 3-2*i++%4)

      • 1+2*i%4 is 1 when i is even and 0 when i is odd
  • Then returns whether the sum is a multiple of ten, and since we added the last digit (multiplied by 1), the sum will be a multiple of ten iff the barcode is valid. (uses GCC-dependent undefined behavior to omit return).

I think (x%10) can just be x as you're taking c%10 later anyway. Also I think you can use i<8 and then just test whether c%10 is zero at the end.

@Neil Thanks! That got -10 bytes.

In fact I think s is unnecessary: c;i;f(x){for(i=c=0;i<8;x/=10)c+=(1+2*i++%4)*x;return c%10<1;}

the tio link is 61 bytes but in the answer it's 72, also don't know why x=c%10<1 or c=c%10<1 instead of return c%10<1 still works
Nahuel Fouilleul

also i<8 can be replaced by x
Nahuel Fouilleul


C, 63 bytes

i;s=0;c(int*v){for(i=0;i<8;i++){s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];}return s%10;}

Assumes that 0 is true and any other value is false.

+3 bytes for better return value

i;s=0;c(int*v){for(i=0;i<8;i++){s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];}return s%10==0;}

Add ==0 to the return statement.


int check(int* values)
    int result = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < 8; index++)
        result += v[i] * 3 + v[++i]; // adds this digit times 3 plus the next digit times 1 to the result
    return result % 10 == 0; // returns true if the result is a multiple of 10

This uses the alternative definition of EAN checksums where the check digit is chosen such that the checksum of the entire barcode including the check digit is a multiple of 10. Mathematically this works out the same but it's a lot simpler to write.

Initialising variables inside loop as suggested by Steadybox, 63 bytes

i;s;c(int*v){for(i=s=0;i<8;i++){s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];}return s%10;}

Removing curly brackets as suggested by Steadybox, 61 bytes

i;s;c(int*v){for(i=s=0;i<8;i++)s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];return s%10;}

Using <1 rather than ==0 for better return value as suggested by Kevin Cruijssen

i;s=0;c(int*v){for(i=0;i<8;i++){s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];}return s%10<1;}

Add <1 to the return statement, this adds only 2 bytes rather than adding ==0 which adds 3 bytes.

You can save two bytes by removing the {} after the for. Also, function submissions have to be reusable, so you need to initialize s inside the function (just change i;s=0; to i,s; and i=0; to i=s=0;).

@Steadybox How can I remove the curly brackets?
Micheal Johnson

There's only one statement inside them. When there are no curly brackets after for, the loop body will be the next statement. for(i=0;i<8;i++){s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];} is the same as for(i=0;i<8;i++)s+=v[i]*3+v[++i];.

@Steadybox Oh of course. That's one of the quirks of C syntax that I usually forget about, because when writing normal code I always include the curly brackets even if they're unnecessary, because it makes the code more readable.
Micheal Johnson

In your true/false answer, instead of +3 by adding ==0 it can be +2 by using <1 instead. :)
Kevin Cruijssen


JavaScript (Node.js), 47 bytes


Although there is a much shorter answer already, this is my first attempt of golfing in JavaScript so I'd like to hear golfing recommendations :-)


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Perl 5, 37 32 + 1 (-p) bytes


-5 bytes thanks to Dom Hastings. 37 +1 bytes was


try it online

Had a little play with this and thought I'd share a useful trick: --$| toggles between 1 and 0 so you can use that instead of ++$i%2 for an alternating boolean! Also, all that matters is that the total ($s) matches /0$/, managed to get 33 bytes combining those changes with s///: Try it online! (-l is just for visibility)
Dom Hastings

yes i though to s/./(something with $&)/ge and to /0$/ match but not the two combined.
Nahuel Fouilleul


Brainfuck, 228 Bytes


Can probably be improved a fair bit. Input is taken 1 digit at a time, outputs 1 for true, 0 for false.

How it works:


Put 8 at position 3.


Takes input 8 times, changing it from the ascii value to the actual value +2 each time. Inputs are spaced out by ones, which will be removed, to allow for easier multiplication later.


Subtract one from each item. Our tape now looks something like

0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 2 0 3 0 10 0 0

With each value 1 more than it should be. This is because zeros will mess up our multiplication process.

Now we're ready to start multiplying.


Go to the second to last item.


While zero, multiply the item it's at by three, then move two items to the left. Now we've multiplied everything we needed to by three, and we're at the very first position on the tape.


Sum the entire list.


The value we have is 16 more than the actual value. Fix this by subtracting 16.


We need to test whether the sum is a multiple of 10. The maximum sum is with all 9s, which is 144. Since no sum will be greater than 10*15, put 15 and 10 on the tape, in that order and right to the right of the sum.


Move to where 15 is. While it's non-zero, test if the sum is non-zero. If it is, subtract 10 from it. Now we're either on the (empty) sum position, or on the (also empty) ten position. Move one right. If we were on the sum position, we're now on the non-zero 15 position. If so, move right twice. Now we're in the same position in both cases. Add ten to the ten position, and subtract one from the 15 position.

The rest is for output:


Move to the sum position. If it is non-zero (negative), the barcode is invalid; set the position to -1. Now add 49 to get the correct ascii value: 1 if it's valid, 0 if it's invalid.


Java 8, 53 bytes



Direct calculation in the lambda appears to the shortest solution. It fits in a single expression, minimizing the lambda overhead and removing extraneous variable declarations and semicolons.

public class IsMyBarcodeValid {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[][] barcodes = new int[][] { //
        { 2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 0 }, //
        { 3, 3, 7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 9 }, //
        { 7, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 5 }, //
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, //
        { 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 9, 8, 4 }, //
        { 6, 9, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 0 }, //
        { 1, 1, 9, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1 }, //
        { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } };
    for (int[] barcode : barcodes) {
      boolean result = f(b -> (3 * (b[0] + b[2] + b[4] + b[6]) + b[1] + b[3] + b[5] + b[7]) % 10 < 1, barcode);
      System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(barcode) + " = " + result);

  private static boolean f(java.util.function.Function<int[], Boolean> f, int[] n) {
    return f.apply(n);


[2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 0] = true
[3, 3, 7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 9] = true
[7, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 5] = true
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = true
[2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 9, 8, 4] = false
[6, 9, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 0] = false
[1, 1, 9, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1] = false
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] = false


QBasic, 54 52 bytes

Ugh, the boring answer turned out to be the shortest:

INPUT a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
?(3*a+b+3*c+d+3*e+f+3*g+h)MOD 10=0

This inputs the digits comma-separated. My original 54-byte solution, which inputs one digit at a time, uses a "nicer" approach:

FOR i=1TO 8
?s MOD 10=0


C# (.NET Core), 65 62 bytes

b=>{int s=0,i=0,t=1;while(i<8)s+=b[i++]*(t^=2);return s%10<1;}

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-3 bytes thanks to @KevinCruijssen and the neat trick using the exclusive-or operator.


    int s=0,i=0,t=1;

        s+=b[i++]*(t^=2); // exclusive-or operator alternates t between 3 and 1.

    return s%10<1;

C# (.NET Core), 53 bytes


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A direct port of @Snowman's answer.

For your first answer: b=>{int s=0,i=0,t=1;while(i<8)s+=b[i++]*(t^=2);return s%10<1;} (62 bytes), or alternatively with a foreach, also 62 bytes: b=>{int s=0,t=1;foreach(int i in b)s+=i*(t^=2);return s%10<1;} (which is a port of my Java 8 answer).
Kevin Cruijssen


MATLAB/Octave, 32 bytes


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I'm going to post this despite the other Octave answer as I developed this code and approach without looking at the other answers.

Here we have an anonymous function which takes the input as an array of 8 values, and return true if a valid barcode, false otherwise..

The result is calculated as follows.

             [          ,x]
         sum(              )
     mod(                   ,10)
  1. Odd digits (one indexed) are multiplied by 2.
  2. The result is prepended to the input array, giving an array whose sum will contain the odd digits three times, and the even digits once.
  3. We do the sum which will also include the supplied checksum within our sum.
  4. Next the modulo 10 is performed. If the checksum supplied was valid, the sum of all multiplied digits including the checksum value would end up being a multiple of 10. Therefore only a valid barcode would return 0.
  5. The result is inverted to get a logical output of true if valid.


Excel, 37 bytes

Interpreting "A list of 8 integers" as allowing 8 separate cells in Excel:


=MOD(SUM((A1:H1)+2*(A1+C1+E1+G1)),10)=0 this formula exist in Excel?

@RosLuP, not predefined, no. But Modulo, Sum, + etc do ;-)

I want only to say that seems that in APL goes well doing first y= (A1:H1)+2*(A1+C1+E1+G1), and after the sum and the mod; in APL not goes well first sum(A1:H1) etc something as (1,2,3)+4=(5,6,7) and than sum(5,6,7)=18; note that sum(1,2,3)=6 and 6+4=10 different from 18. But possible I make error in something

@RosLuP, Apologies, missed the changed ()s in your comment.

Problem is how Excel interprets =(A1:H1): This is not handled as an array. Is invalid if placed in any column not in A-H range. If placed in a column in A-H, returns the value for that column only. (Formula in % results in %: C2 --> C1 H999 --> H1 K1 --> #VALUE!)


Ruby, 41 Bytes

Takes an array of integers. -6 bytes thanks to Jordan.


Nice! FWIW you don’t need map here at all: zip takes a block. You can save a couple more bytes by using $. instead of initializing s: ->n{[3,1]*4){|x,y|$.+=x*y};$.%10<1}


TI-Basic (83 series), 18 bytes


Takes input as a list in Ans. Returns 1 for valid barcodes and 0 for invalid ones.

A port of my Mathematica answer. Includes screenshot, in lieu of an online testing environment:

barcode screenshot

Notable feature: binomcdf(7,0 is used to generate the list {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} (the list of probabilities that from 7 trials with success probability 0, there will be at most N successes, for N=0,1,...,7). Then, cumSum( turns this into {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.

This is one byte shorter than using the seq( command, though historically the point was that it's also significantly faster.

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