Scrivi una calcolatrice Morse


Scrivere un programma o una funzione che accetta un'espressione matematica nel codice Morse come input e restituisce la soluzione nel codice Morse.

Le operazioni valide sono più: +e meno: _(trattino basso). Puoi presumere che riceverai solo input interi non negativi e che il risultato sarà non negativo.

L'espressione conterrà almeno due termini e un massimo di dieci termini. Non ci saranno due operatori adiacenti, cioè .----+_-...., e non ci saranno parentesi.

Le cifre sono separate da spazi singoli. Puoi scegliere di separare gli operatori dai numeri di un singolo spazio su ciascun lato (vedi esempi).

L'equivalente Morse per le cifre 0-9 sono:

0  -----
1  .----
2  ..---
3  ...--
4  ....-
5  .....
6  -....
7  --...
8  ---..
9  ----.



.----+.----  (1+1=2) Optional input: .---- + .----

-...._...--  (6-3=3) Optional input: -.... _ ...--

..---_...--+..--- (2-3+2=1)

..---+...--_....-+---.._.....  (2+3-4+8-5=4)

.---- ..---_-....+...-- ...--  (12-6+33=39)
...-- ----.

----. -----+----.+..--- ----._..... .....+---..+-...._.----+----.+----._..--- -----  (90+9+29-55+8+6-1+9+9-20=84)
---.. ....-

Si applicano le norme standard relative ai formati I / O ecc. Sono accettati alcuni spazi finali e una sola nuova riga. Non è possibile dividere il numero su più righe. Non puoi usare evalo equivalente.

Questo è il codice golf, quindi vince il codice più breve in byte.



Pyth, 69 63 byte


Provalo qui

Oppure usa una suite di test


J_.:s*R5"-.-"5                                                  - Construct the morse sequence 0-10
              jd                                                - Prettify output (join by spaces)
                m@Jsd                                           - Get the morse for each character in output
                     `s                                         - Convert to a string
                         C,mssdc`MKmxJdcz)"-1"                  - Get the numbers
                       *M                                       - Multiply the numbers by the operators
                                              +1mtyq\+@cz)dx_1K - Turn `+` and `_` to +-1

6 byte salvati grazie a @Jakube!

J_.:s*R5"-.-"5per costruire i numeri. Probabilmente anche accorciare quando si utilizzano stringhe impaccate.


Retina, 132 byte

Una soluzione disordinata di primo passaggio.

(-|(\.))+ ?

Provalo online!


MATL , 75 71 69 68 byte


Provalo online!

Spiegazione generale

Uso il formato di codice nel seguito in modo che il rientro esprima il annidamento delle operazioni.

The input is split into chunks of 6 characters. The last chunk will have
5 characters padded by a 0 char.
   A 0 is initially pushed. This will contain the accumulated global result.
      Each operand (sequence of digits) is processed as follows. A "sign digit",
      1 or -1, has been previously pushed according to whether the preceding
      operator was + or - (for the first operand 1 is used as sign digit).
      Then a 0 is pushed. This will contain the accumulated operand value.
         Each digit of the operand is transformed into the a number `0`...`9` and
         accumulated to the operand value, with successive multiplications by `10`.
      When a + or - is detected, the current operand is finished. So it is 
      multiplied by its sign digit, and added to the acumulated global result.
      A new sign digit is pushed (1 for +, -1 for -), and a new 0 is pushed
      as initial accumulated operand value for the next operand.
   When a 0 char is detected instead of + or -, this marks the end of the input.
   The current global accumulated result is the definitive value. This is
   tranformed into Morse digits and displayed.

Spiegazione dettagliata

5:t!<         % first half of the 10x5 array of Morse digits, with 0 for - and 1 for .
t~v           % vertically concat second half, i.e. first half vertically flipped
45+cXI        % transform 0 1 to chars - . Copy this "digit table" to clipboard I
O             % push 0: initial value for accumulated global result
1             % push 1: sign digit for first operand
O             % push 0: initial value of operand
j             % input string
6ZC           % arrange 6-length non-overlapping blocks as columns. Last is 0-padded
"             %   for each column
  @           %   push column
  2#0)        %   split into last element and vector or remaining elements
  I           %   push digit table
  w!          %   swap and transposed into a row
  Xmfq        %   index of that row in the digit table. Subtract 1: gives the digit
  b+          %   bubble up current operand value to top. Add to the new found digit
  wXK         %   swap last char of column (+,-,space,0) to top. Copy to clipboard K
  32=         %   is it space?
  ?           %   if so
    10*       %     multiply by 10. The operand will continue with next digit
  }           %   else: the operand is done
    *         %     multiply by sign digit
    +         %     add this operand with its sign to accumulated global result
    K         %     push last char of column again
    ?         %     if it's not 0
      K9\6-   %       push 1 if it's a +, -1 if it's a -: sign digit of next operand
      O       %       push 0 to initiallize accumulated operand value of next operand
    }         %     else: it's a 0: we're done computing the result
      V       %       convert result to string to get its digits
      47-Y)   %       index the rows of the digit table that was initially pushed
      Z{Zc    %       join rows by spaces
              %     end if, implicit
              %   end if, implicit
              % end for each, implicit
              % display, implicit


Javascript (es6) 236 byte

ampio margine di miglioramento

q=>(q.replace(/[.-]{5}/g,q=>(a=q.split`.`.length)&&q[4]=='-'?a-1:11-a).replace(/ /g,'').split(/([_+])/).reduce((l,o)=>l+(+o?(n=='_'?-(+o):+o):(n=o)&&0),0,n='')+[]).split``.map(u=>(((a='.....')+'-----').slice(5-u)+a).substr(0,5)).join` `


 //grab each set of 5 dits/dahs

  //count dits
  //if last digit is '-' return dits-1
  //else return 11-dits

   //remove spaces and split on operators + and _
   .replace(/ /g,'').split(/([_+])/)

    //reduce the array into one element
    //start with 0;
    //when we come across a number add it to the total
    //when we come across an operator change current op to it

  //cast to string

 //turn to array

  //turn each digit back to morse
  .map(u=>(".....-----".slice(5-u)+'.....').substr(0,5)).join` `   


f=q=>(q.replace(/[.-]{5}/g,q=>(a=q.split`.`.length)&&q[4]=='-'?a-1:11-a).replace(/ /g,'').split(/([_+])/).reduce((l,o)=>l+(+o?(n=='_'?-(+o):+o):(n=o)&&0),0,n='')+[]).split``.map(u=>(((a='.....')+'-----').slice(5-u)+a).substr(0,5)).join` `

f("----. -----+----.+..--- ----._..... .....+---..+-...._.----+----.+----._..--- -----")


Bash puro, 366 317

a=----- p='v+=($a);a=${a/-/.}';q=${p/-?././-};. <(echo $p{,,,,} $q{,,,,});p(){
[ ${1:0:1} = . ]&&{ b=${1%%-*};o+=${#b};}||{ b=${1%%.*} o+=$[(5+${#b})%10];};}
s=${1//[-.]/};for i in ${1//[+_]/ };do p $i;t=${s:0:1};o+=${t// };s=${s:1};done
r=$[${o//_/-}];for ((i=0;i<${#r};i++));do w+=(${v[${r:i:1}]});done;echo ${w[@]}

Ok, potrei salvare 10 byte per raggiungere 307 scrivendo la prima riga:

v=(----- .---- ..--- ...-- ....- ..... -.... --... ---.. ----.);p(){

invece di (ma mi piace):

a=----- p='v+=($a);a=${a/-/.}';q=${p/-?././-};. <(echo $p{,,,,} $q{,,,,});p(){


cat >/tmp/ <<'eof'
a=----- p='v+=($a);a=${a/-/.}';q=${p/-?././-};. <(echo $p{,,,,} $q{,,,,});p(){
[ ${1:0:1} = . ]&&{ b=${1%%-*};o+=${#b};}||{ b=${1%%.*} o+=$[(5+${#b})%10];};}
s=${1//[-.]/};for i in ${1//[+_]/ };do p $i;t=${s:0:1};o+=${t// };s=${s:1};done
r=$[${o//_/-}];for ((i=0;i<${#r};i++));do w+=(${v[${r:i:1}]});done;echo ${w[@]}
chmod +x /tmp/

for test in 1+1 6-3 2-3+2 2+3-4+8-5 12-6+33 90+9+29-55+8+6-1+9+9-20 ;do
    string="$(sed 's/ \.\.\.-\.-$//;s/ \.-\.-\. /+/g;s/ -\.\.\.\.- /_/g' <(
        xargs < <(morse -s -- $test)))"
    out="$(/tmp/ "$string")"
    res=$(morse -sd <<< "$out")
    echo "$test: $string = $out -> $res"
  done |
    fold -w 80 -s

1+1: .----+.---- = ..--- -> 2
6-3: -...._...-- = ...-- -> 3
2-3+2: ..---_...--+..--- = .---- -> 1
2+3-4+8-5: ..---+...--_....-+---.._..... = ....- -> 4
12-6+33: .---- ..---_-....+...-- ...-- = ...-- ----. -> 39
90+9+29-55+8+6-1+9+9-20: ----. -----+----.+..--- ----._..... 
.....+---..+-...._.----+----.+----._..--- ----- = ---.. ....- -> 84

o se il morseconvertitore non è installato:

for test in .----+.---- -...._...-- ..---_...--+..---  \
 ..---+...--_....-+---.._..... ".---- ..---_-....+...-- ...--" "----. -----+\
----.+..--- ----._..... .....+---..+-...._.----+----.+----._..--- -----" ;do
    echo $test $(
        bash <(sed '$s/;f/;echo "(${o\/\/_\/-}=$r)";f/' /tmp/
            ) "$test" )
  done |
    fold -w80 -s

.----+.---- (1+1=2) ..---
-...._...-- (6-3=3) ...--
..---_...--+..--- (2-3+2=1) .----
..---+...--_....-+---.._..... (2+3-4+8-5=4) ....-
.---- ..---_-....+...-- ...-- (12-6+33=39) ...-- ----.
----. -----+----.+..--- ----._..... .....+---..+-...._.----+----.+----._..--- 
----- (90+9+29-55+8+6-1+9+9-20=84) ---.. ....-
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