Sto cercando di recuperare una password di root su un MX80 ma sto ricevendo alcuni errori e non ho idea di cosa significhino (non è live, quindi i passaggi "distruttivi" suggestivi sono accettabili);
I passi che ho preso sono i seguenti;
Riavvia il router, al prompt
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt
: ho colpito lo spazioEntro
boot -s
per avviare la modalità utente singoloAl prompt,
Enter full pathname of shell or 'recovery' for root password recovery or RETURN for /bin/sh:
Una volta entrato nella CLI, accedo alla modalità di configurazione e quindi tento di ripristinare la password di root e di confermare la configurazione;
Questo è dove ho riscontrato gli errori; Cosa significano e come posso correggerlo? Ha anche bisogno di correzioni (lo suppongo!):
root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password:
Retype new password:
root# commit
error: could not open database: /var/run/db/ No such file or directory
error: Database open failed for file '/var/run/db/': No such file or directory
error: commit failed: daemon file propagation failed
root# WATCHDOG_TIMER : Loss of soft watchdog
panic: Loss of soft watchdog
Entering boot mastership relinquish phase
KDB: enter: panic
[thread pid 11 tid 100005 ]
Stopped at kdb_enter+0x1a4: addis r3, r0, -0x5f7a
MX80 esegue JunOS 11.4R1.14. Ho riavviato e la password non è stata ripristinata. Dovrei riprovare o c'è qualcosa di sbagliato in questo router che dovrei affrontare per primo? Non voglio danneggiare nulla.
Come aggiornamento a questo; Oggi ho riavviato la modalità di ripristino e non ho fatto nulla, ero al telefono con il router in "root>". Mentre era al telefono per alcuni minuti, il router ebbe improvvisamente il panico;
Enter full pathname of shell or 'recovery' for root password recovery or RETURN for /bin/sh: recovery
Performing filesystem consistency checks ...
/dev/da0s1a: 1466 files, 91908 used, 361032 free (56 frags, 45122 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
/dev/da0s1e: 9 files, 8 used, 50273 free (17 frags, 6282 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
Performing mount of main filesystems ...
Performing filesystem consistency of secondary filesystems ...
/dev/da1s1f: 232 files, 362550 used, 1105677 free (125 frags, 138194 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
Performing mount of secondary filesystems ...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Verified jboot signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Verified jbase-ppc-11.4R1.14 signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Mounted jkernel package on /dev/md1...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
veriexec: fingerprint for dev 73, file 49356 f743694d46ccdfd6bc72f0793c1cc0e8e5bdf80e != b3dfc26ab4c595f569e86791aa3dcfa4a277892c
Verified jkernel-ppc-11.4R1.14 signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Mounted jpfe package on /dev/md2...
Mounted jdocs package on /dev/md3...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Verified jdocs-11.4R1.14 signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Mounted jroute package on /dev/md4...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Verified jroute-ppc-11.4R1.14 signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Mounted jcrypto package on /dev/md5...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
Verified jcrypto-ppc-11.4R1.14 signed by PackageProduction_11_4_0
machdep.bootsuccess: 1 -> 1
Performing initialization of management services ...
mgd: error: could not open database: /var/run/db/schema.db: No such file or directory
mgd: error: Database open failed for file '/var/run/db/schema.db': No such file or directory
mgd: error: could not open database schema: /var/run/db/schema.db
mgd: error: could not open database schema
mgd: error: database schema is out of date, rebuilding it
mgd: error: could not open database: /var/run/db/ No such file or directory
mgd: error: Database open failed for file '/var/run/db/': No such file or directory
mgd: error: Cannot read configuration: Could not open configuration database
Performing checkout of management services ...
NOTE: Once in the CLI, you will need to enter configuration mode using
NOTE: the 'configure' command to make any required changes. For example,
NOTE: to reset the root password, type:
NOTE: configure
NOTE: set system root-authentication plain-text-password
NOTE: (enter the new password when asked)
NOTE: commit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: When you exit the CLI, you will be asked if you want to reboot
NOTE: the system
Starting CLI ...
root> WATCHDOG_TIMER : Loss of soft watchdog
panic: Loss of soft watchdog
###Entering boot mastership relinquish phase
KDB: enter: panic
[thread pid 11 tid 100005 ]
Stopped at kdb_enter+0x1a4: addis r3, r0, -0x5f7a
Reinstallo e vedo cosa succede.