Perché iOS 10.0+
puoi usare
Ho creato la funzione Utility che copia il file sqlite nella posizione desiderata (funziona solo per il simulatore).
Puoi usarlo come
import CoreData
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
UTility.getSqliteTo(destinationPath: "/Users/inderkumarrathore/Desktop", persistentContainer: appDelegate.persistentContainer)
Se hai già accesso ai file sqlite, shm e wal, esegui i comandi nel terminale per unire il file WAL nel file sqlite.
$ sqlite3 persistentStore
sqlite> PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;
Press control + d
Dopo aver eseguito i comandi precedenti puoi vedere i dati nel tuo file sqlite.
Ecco la definizione del metodo di utilità per veloce
Copies the sqlite, wal and shm file to the destination folder. Don't forget to merge the wal file using the commands printed int the console.
@param destinationPath Path where sqlite files has to be copied
@param persistentContainer NSPersistentContainer
public static func getSqliteTo(destinationPath: String, persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer) {
let storeUrl = persistentContainer.persistentStoreCoordinator.persistentStores.first?.url
let sqliteFileName = storeUrl!.lastPathComponent
let walFileName = sqliteFileName + "-wal"
let shmFileName = sqliteFileName + "-shm"
//Add all file names in array
let fileArray = [sqliteFileName, walFileName, shmFileName]
let storeDir = storeUrl!.deletingLastPathComponent()
// Destination dir url, make sure file don't exists in that folder
let destDir = URL(fileURLWithPath: destinationPath, isDirectory: true)
do {
for fileName in fileArray {
let sourceUrl = storeDir.appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)
let destUrl = destDir.appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: sourceUrl, to: destUrl)
print("File: \(fileName) copied to path: \(destUrl.path)")
catch {
print("\n\n\n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n")
print("In your terminal run the following commands to merge wal file. Otherwise you may see partial or no data in \(sqliteFileName) file")
print("$ cd \(destDir.path)")
print("$ sqlite3 \(sqliteFileName)")
print("sqlite> PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;")
print("Press control + d")
Per obiettivo-c
Copies the sqlite, wal and shm file to the destination folder. Don't forget to merge the wal file using the commands printed int the console.
@param destinationPath Path where sqlite files has to be copied
@param persistentContainer NSPersistentContainer
+ (void)copySqliteFileToDestination:(NSString *)destinationPath persistentContainer:(NSPersistentContainer *)persistentContainer {
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *storeUrl = persistentContainer.persistentStoreCoordinator.persistentStores.firstObject.URL;
NSString * sqliteFileName = [storeUrl lastPathComponent];
NSString *walFileName = [sqliteFileName stringByAppendingString:@"-wal"];
NSString *shmFileName = [sqliteFileName stringByAppendingString:@"-shm"];
//Add all file names in array
NSArray *fileArray = @[sqliteFileName, walFileName, shmFileName];
// Store Directory
NSURL *storeDir = storeUrl.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent;
// Destination dir url, make sure file don't exists in that folder
NSURL *destDir = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:destinationPath isDirectory:YES];
for (NSString *fileName in fileArray) {
NSURL *sourceUrl = [storeDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:fileName isDirectory:NO];
NSURL *destUrl = [destDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:fileName isDirectory:NO];
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtURL:sourceUrl toURL:destUrl error:&error];
if (!error) {
RLog(@"File: %@ copied to path: %@", fileName, [destUrl path]);
NSLog(@"\n\n\n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n");
NSLog(@"In your terminal run the following commands to merge wal file. Otherwise you may see partial or no data in %@ file", sqliteFileName);
NSLog(@"$ cd %@", destDir.path);
NSLog(@"$ sqlite3 %@", sqliteFileName);
NSLog(@"sqlite> PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;");
NSLog(@"Press control + d");