Nessuno ha ancora offerto un approccio al modulo, quindi eccone uno:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "tackoverflwos"));
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
Console.WriteLine("\nA: {0} B: {1}", a, b);
if (b.Length != a.Length)
return false;
int ndx = a.IndexOf(b[0]);
bool isRotation = true;
Console.WriteLine("Ndx: {0}", ndx);
if (ndx == -1) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; ++i)
int rotatedNdx = (i + ndx) % b.Length;
char rotatedA = a[rotatedNdx];
Console.WriteLine( "B: {0} A[{1}]: {2}", b[i], rotatedNdx, rotatedA );
if (b[i] != rotatedA)
isRotation = false;
// break; uncomment this when you remove the Console.WriteLine
return isRotation;
A: stackoverflow B: ztackoverflow
Ndx: -1
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: ackoverflowst
Ndx: 2
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: overflowstack
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: stackoverflwo
Ndx: 0
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
B: o A[12]: w
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: tackoverflwos
Ndx: 1
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
B: o A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
Rotation : False
[MODIFICA: 12-04-2010]
piotr ha notato il difetto nel mio codice sopra. Si verifica un errore quando il primo carattere nella stringa appare due o più volte. Ad esempio, stackoverflow
testato contro ha owstackoverflow
provocato falso, quando dovrebbe essere vero.
Grazie piotr per aver individuato l'errore.
Ora, ecco il codice corretto:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TestRotate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "tackoverflwos"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "owstackoverfl"));
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
Console.WriteLine("\nA: {0} B: {1}", a, b);
if (b.Length != a.Length)
return false;
if (a.IndexOf(b[0]) == -1 )
return false;
foreach (int ndx in IndexList(a, b[0]))
bool isRotation = true;
Console.WriteLine("Ndx: {0}", ndx);
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; ++i)
int rotatedNdx = (i + ndx) % b.Length;
char rotatedA = a[rotatedNdx];
Console.WriteLine("B: {0} A[{1}]: {2}", b[i], rotatedNdx, rotatedA);
if (b[i] != rotatedA)
isRotation = false;
if (isRotation)
return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<int> IndexList(string src, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
if (src[i] == c)
yield return i;
}//class Program
}//namespace TestRotate
Ecco l'output:
A: stackoverflow B: ztackoverflow
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: ackoverflowst
Ndx: 2
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: overflowstack
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
Rotation : True
A: stackoverflow B: stackoverflwo
Ndx: 0
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: tackoverflwos
Ndx: 1
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
B: w A[11]: o
Rotation : False
A: stackoverflow B: owstackoverfl
Ndx: 5
B: o A[5]: o
B: w A[6]: v
Ndx: 11
B: o A[11]: o
B: w A[12]: w
B: s A[0]: s
B: t A[1]: t
B: a A[2]: a
B: c A[3]: c
B: k A[4]: k
B: o A[5]: o
B: v A[6]: v
B: e A[7]: e
B: r A[8]: r
B: f A[9]: f
B: l A[10]: l
Rotation : True
Ecco l'approccio lambda:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace IsRotation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ztackoverflow"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "ackoverflowst"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "overflowstack"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "stackoverflwo"));
Console.WriteLine("Rotation : {0}",
IsRotation("stackoverflow", "owstackoverfl"));
string strToTestFrom = "stackoverflow";
foreach(string s in StringRotations(strToTestFrom))
Console.WriteLine("is {0} rotation of {1} ? {2}",
s, strToTestFrom,
IsRotation(strToTestFrom, s) );
public static IEnumerable<string> StringRotations(string src)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < src.Length; ++x)
sb.Append(src[(i + x) % src.Length]);
yield return sb.ToString();
public static bool IsRotation(string a, string b)
if (b.Length != a.Length || a.IndexOf(b[0]) < 0 ) return false;
foreach(int ndx in IndexList(a, b[0]))
int i = ndx;
if (b.ToCharArray().All(x => x == a[i++ % a.Length]))
return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<int> IndexList(string src, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i)
if (src[i] == c)
yield return i;
}//class Program
}//namespace IsRotation
Ecco l'output dell'approccio lambda:
Rotation : False
Rotation : True
Rotation : True
Rotation : False
Rotation : True
is stackoverflow rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is tackoverflows rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is ackoverflowst rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is ckoverflowsta rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is koverflowstac rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is overflowstack rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is verflowstacko rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is erflowstackov rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is rflowstackove rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is flowstackover rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is lowstackoverf rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is owstackoverfl rotation of stackoverflow ? True
is wstackoverflo rotation of stackoverflow ? True