Sto cercando di modificare un dockerFile per lavorare con aspell. Ho uno script bash che voglio avvolgere in un dock
Step 4: Wrap the script in a Docker container.
The sample SDK we downloaded earlier contains an example of an action wrapped in a Docker container. In particular, the sample SDK includes a Dockerfile that builds the C program in client/example.c and installs the binary as /blackbox/client/action .
The key line in the sample Dockerfile is:
RUN cd /blackbox/client; gcc -o action example.c
Instead of compiling example.c and installing the binary as an action, we’ll change the Dockerfile to install aspell into the Linux environment, and then install our script as the executable action command.
To do so, we delete the RUN command above, and insert the following commands into the Dockerfile:
RUN apt-get install -y aspell
RUN rm -f /blackbox/client/action
ADD /blackbox/client/action
Sto provando a farlo sul dockerfile di seguito
# Dockerfile for example whisk docker action
FROM openwhisk/dockerskeleton
### Add source file(s)
ADD example.c /action/example.c
RUN sudo apt-get install -y aspell
RUN rm -f /blackbox/client/action
ADD /blackbox/client/action
CMD ["/home/huseyin/bin", "-c", "cd actionProxy && python -u"]
il tutorial è obsoleto quindi non riesco a farlo. Mi potete aiutare?
docker run ubuntu:latest
quando volevo correre docker run -it ubuntu:latest
. Pensavo di essere in esecuzione apt-get
all'interno del contenitore, ma in realtà era nel terminale Mac. whoops.