Come si crea un caricatore di background appropriato in Java 8? Le condizioni:
- i dati devono essere caricati in background
- dopo il caricamento devono essere visualizzati i dati
- mentre i dati vengono caricati, non è necessario accettare ulteriori richieste
- in caso di richieste durante il caricamento dei dati, è necessario programmare un altro caricamento dopo un determinato timeout (ad es. 5 secondi)
Lo scopo è, ad esempio, far accettare le richieste di ricaricamento, ma non il database è invaso dalle richieste.
Ecco un MCVE. Consiste in un'attività in background che simula il caricamento semplicemente invocando Thread.sleep per 2 secondi. L'attività è pianificata ogni secondo, il che porta naturalmente a una sovrapposizione delle attività di caricamento in background, che dovrebbe essere evitata.
public class LoadInBackgroundExample {
* A simple background task which should perform the data loading operation. In this minimal example it simply invokes Thread.sleep
public static class BackgroundTask implements Runnable {
private int id;
public BackgroundTask(int id) { = id;
* Sleep for a given amount of time to simulate loading.
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Start #" + id + ": " + Thread.currentThread());
long sleepTime = 2000;
Thread.sleep( sleepTime);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
System.out.println("Finish #" + id + ": " + Thread.currentThread());
* CompletableFuture which simulates loading and showing data.
* @param taskId Identifier of the current task
public static void loadInBackground( int taskId) {
// create the loading task
BackgroundTask backgroundTask = new BackgroundTask( taskId);
// "load" the data asynchronously
CompletableFuture<String> completableFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(new Supplier<String>() {
public String get() {
CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(backgroundTask);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
return "task " +;
// display the data after they are loaded
CompletableFuture<Void> future = completableFuture.thenAccept(x -> {
System.out.println( "Background task finished:" + x);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// runnable which invokes the background loader every second
Runnable trigger = new Runnable() {
int taskId = 0;
public void run() {
loadInBackground( taskId++);
// create scheduler
ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
ScheduledFuture<?> beeperHandle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(trigger, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// cancel the scheudler and the application after 10 seconds
scheduler.schedule(() -> beeperHandle.cancel(true), 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
try {
} catch (Throwable th) {
System.out.println( "Cancelled");
L'output è questo:
Start #0: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Start #1: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Start #2: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Finish #0: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Background task finished:task 0
Finish #1: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Background task finished:task 1
Start #3: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Finish #2: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Background task finished:task 2
Start #4: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Start #5: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Finish #3: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Background task finished:task 3
Start #6: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Finish #4: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Background task finished:task 4
Finish #5: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Background task finished:task 5
Start #7: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Finish #6: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Start #8: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Background task finished:task 6
Start #9: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4,5,main]
Finish #7: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Background task finished:task 7
Start #10: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2,5,main]
Finish #8: Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6,5,main]
Background task finished:task 8
L'obiettivo è saltare, ad esempio, il numero 1 e il numero 2 perché il numero 0 è ancora in esecuzione.
Dove imposti correttamente il meccanismo di blocco? Si dovrebbe usare la sincronizzazione? O alcuni AtomicBoolean
? E se è così, dovrebbe essere all'interno del get()
metodo o altrove?
con una dimensione del pool di thread pari a 1?