Ho impostato un passthrough proxy nginx che funziona correttamente quando nginx si carica inizialmente, ma alla fine (forse dopo un giorno o giù di lì ?, non troppo sicuro a questo punto) la posizione che è un passthrough proxy restituisce solo una 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
risposta. La cosa strana è che ho impostato più posizioni proxy_pass ed è casuale ciò che scende e ciò che rimane attivo.
Ecco il file di configurazione di nginx:
server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
root /srv/www/frontend/current/;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
# Block all svn access
if ($request_uri ~* ^.*\.svn.*$) {
return 404;
# Block all git access
if ($request_uri ~* ^.*\.git.*$) {
return 404;
location /nginx_status {
stub_status on;
access_log off;
deny all;
location /api/karma/ {
proxy_pass <server A>;
location /api/auth/ {
proxy_pass <server B>;
location /api/search/ {
proxy_pass <server C>;
location /api/history/ {
proxy_pass <server D>;
(Ovviamente ho anonimizzato le posizioni dei server)
Quindi, ad esempio, quando nginx si avvia inizialmente, posso farlo
curl -i example.com/api/history/health_check
(dove health_check è un end-point noto) e ottiene una risposta 200, ma dopo un po 'lo stesso comando esatto restituisce 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.
Il server sottostante e il server http sono ancora completamente operativi e posso eseguire i comandi di arricciatura direttamente contro l'indirizzo del server e ottenere risposte sia dal mio computer locale sia quando viene inviato nel server nginx.
Il prefisso di ubicazione che inizia a restituire un GATEWAY_TIMEOUT è casuale e, da quando è stato impostato, ciascuna delle quattro posizioni che hanno proxy_pass ha fallito in questo modo in un punto o nell'altro.
Tutto è ospitato su AWS t2_micro Ubuntu 14.04 istanze Linux e nginx stesso è v1.4.6. I server / le applicazioni sottostanti non vengono riavviati e anche le istanze AWS sono rimaste attive per tutto il tempo. I server http sottostanti sono applicazioni Go, ma ancora una volta, quando inizio a ottenere questi GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, le applicazioni stesse sono completamente operative.
Non c'era nulla di interessante nei log degli errori quando ciò accade, ma ho appena attivato la registrazione di debug sul log degli errori, ed ecco cosa viene fuori per una richiesta interrotta:
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 00000000022542A0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 00000000022542A0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http wait request handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 000000000222F6A0:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 malloc: 0000000002225CA0:1024
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 recv: fd:23 1018 of 1024
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 reusable connection: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 00000000022260B0:4096 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http process request line
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request line: "POST <url> HTTP/1.1"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http uri: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http args: ""
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http exten: ""
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http process request header line
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "host: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Authorization: <auth token>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Origin: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Referer: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-For: <ip address>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-Port: 443"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Content-Length: 209"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 00000000022270C0:4096 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header: "Connection: keep-alive"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http header done
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer del: 23: 1436817428740
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 rewrite phase: 1
** snip ( bunch of logs about trying to match the url to a route )
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http cl:209 max:4194304
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 rewrite phase: 3
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post rewrite phase: 4
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 5
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 6
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 generic phase: 7
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 access phase: 8
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 access phase: 9
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post access phase: 10
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 try files phase: 11
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http client request body preread 209
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request body content length filter
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http body new buf t:1 f:0 0000000002225FC9, pos 0000000002225FC9, size: 209 file: 0, size: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 epoll add event: fd:23 op:3 ev:80000005
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Host: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script var: "<aws url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Connection: close
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "Content-Length: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script var: "209"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http script copy: "
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Authorization: <auth>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Origin: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Referer: <url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-For:"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Port: 443"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header:
"POST /v1/trip HTTP/1.0
Host: <url>
Connection: close
Content-Length: 209
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Authorization: <auth>
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Origin: <url>
Referer: <url>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http cleanup add: 0000000002227C40
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 get rr peer, try: 2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 get rr peer, current: 1 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 socket 24
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 epoll add connection: fd:24 ev:80000005
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 connect to, fd:24 #12097
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream connect: -2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 posix_memalign: 000000000222F7B0:128 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer add: 24: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http finalize request: -4, "<url>" a:1, c:2
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http request count:2 blk:0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E2B0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E2B0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http run request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream check client, write event:1, "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: post event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: delete posted event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: posix_memalign: 000000000222F840:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 accept: fd:25
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 event timer add: 25: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 reusable connection: 1
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12098 epoll add event: fd:25 op:1 ev:80000001
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: post event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: delete posted event 0000000002253E90
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: accept on, ready: 0
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: posix_memalign: 000000000222F950:256 @16
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 accept: fd:26
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 event timer add: 26: 60000:1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 reusable connection: 1
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12099 epoll add event: fd:26 op:1 ev:80000001
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream send request handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream send request
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer buf fl:0 s:830
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer buf fl:1 s:209
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer in: 0000000002227C98
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 writev: 1039
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer del: 24: 1436817451902
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 event timer add: 24: 60000:1436817451904
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 0000000002254030
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 post event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 000000000226E040
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream dummy handler
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 delete posted event 0000000002254030
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream request: "<url>"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream process header
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 malloc: 00000000022280D0:4096
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 recv: fd:24 141 of 4096
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/plain"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 19:56:31 GMT"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Server: nginx/1.6.2"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 0"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header: "Connection: Close"
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http proxy header done
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 xslt filter header
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 19:56:31 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
La linea interessante (per me) è:
2015/07/13 19:56:31 [debug] 3523#0: *12096 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
Ho provato a cercare quella stringa in Google, ma a dire il vero non capisco davvero le risposte e non sembrano legate al problema che sto riscontrando in entrambi i modi.