Meta-analisi in R usando il pacchetto metafor


Come dovrei sintassi la rmafunzione dal pacchetto metafor per ottenere risultati nel seguente esempio di vita reale di una piccola meta-analisi? (SMD statistico sommario ad effetto casuale)

study,      mean1, sd1,    n1,  mean2,  sd2,   n2

Foo2000,    0.78,  0.05,   20,  0.82,   0.07,  25    
Sun2003,    0.74,  0.08,   30,  0.72,   0.05,  19    
Pric2005,   0.75,  0.12,   20,  0.74,   0.09,  29    
Rota2008,   0.62,  0.05,   24,  0.66,   0.03,  24    
Pete2008,   0.68,  0.03,   10,  0.68,   0.02,  10



Crea un vero data.frame:

df <- structure(list(study = structure(c(1L, 5L, 3L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c("Foo2000", 
"Pete2008", "Pric2005", "Rota2008", "Sun2003"), class = "factor"), 
    mean1 = c(0.78, 0.74, 0.75, 0.62, 0.68), sd1 = c(0.05, 0.08, 
    0.12, 0.05, 0.03), n1 = c(20L, 30L, 20L, 24L, 10L), mean2 = c(0.82, 
    0.72, 0.74, 0.66, 0.68), sd2 = c(0.07, 0.05, 0.09, 0.03, 
    0.02), n2 = c(25L, 19L, 29L, 24L, 10L)), .Names = c("study", 
"mean1", "sd1", "n1", "mean2", "sd2", "n2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Esegui la funzione rma:

rma(measure = "SMD", m1i = mean1, m2i = mean2, 
    sd1i = sd1, sd2i = sd2, n1i = n1, n2i = n2, 
    method = "REML", data = df)

Si prega di essere consapevoli che rmaassume (m1i-m2i). Ciò si traduce nella seguente meta-analisi univariata del modello degli effetti casuali:

> rma(measure = "SMD", m1i = mean1, m2i = mean2, 
+     sd1i = sd1, sd2i = sd2, n1i = n1, n2i = n2, 
+     method = "REML", data = df)

Random-Effects Model (k = 5; tau^2 estimator: REML)

tau^2 (estimate of total amount of heterogeneity): 0.1951 (SE = 0.2127)
tau (sqrt of the estimate of total heterogeneity): 0.4416
I^2 (% of total variability due to heterogeneity): 65.61%
H^2 (total variability / within-study variance):   2.91

Test for Heterogeneity: 
Q(df = 4) = 11.8763, p-val = 0.0183

Model Results:

estimate       se     zval     pval    ci.ub          
 -0.2513   0.2456  -1.0233   0.3061  -0.7326   0.2300          

Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1   1 

Potresti voler cambiare la stima method, ad es. method = "DL"(Ma mi atterrei REML).

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