Come posso convertire molti file di testo da <some_encoding> a utf8-no-bom?



A partire dal StackOverflow :

  • You can get a tool such as iconv from GnuWin32 and 
    run a batch script to process all of your files that way.
    But what encoding are they now? If they're ANSI, 
    and you're not using any bytes with values => 128,
    then they're already BOM-less UTF-8.
    Perhaps you can use that to narrow down the number of 
    files you'd have to process - maybe enough that you only have a
    few files to convert (and might prefer to do it on an individual basis).
  • Actually, I do it with Notepad++.
    Before trying this, you must make a backup of your files.
    You need to create a macro that does this:
    1. Converti il ​​file attualmente aperto in UTF-8 senza BOM;
    2. Seleziona tutto il testo nel tuo file e copialo (perché questo? sembra un insetto se non lo farai, il tuo file verrà sostituito con il tuo attuale contenuto degli appunti ...);
    3. Salva il file corrente;
    4. Chiudi il file corrente.
    5. Salva questa macro.
    Ora apri il tuo PHP file ed eseguirlo con "Esegui una macro multipla Volte ... ". Se hai aperto 100 file, fallo funzionare per 100 volte.

$url = getenv("SERVER_ADDR");
//$url = getenv(HTTP_POST_VARS);
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    $info = pathinfo($file);
    $extF =$info["extension"];
    if ($extF == "php" || $extF == "txt" || $extF == "js" || $extF == "css") { 
     echo $file ."
";      $ data = file_get_contents ($ file);      writeUTF8File ($ file, $ data);      echo $ file. ' è stato convertito in UTF8
';     }   } // usa questa funzione per ottenere tutti i file all'interno di una directory (incluse le sottodirectory) function scan_dir ($ dir) {     $ arrfiles = array ();     se (is_dir ($ dir)) {         if ($ handle = opendir ($ dir)) {             chdir ($ dir);             while (false! == ($ file = readdir ($ handle))) {}                 if ($ file! = "." & amp; & amp; $ file! = "..") {                     if (is_dir ($ file)) {                         $ arr = scan_Dir ($ file);                         foreach ($ arr come $ valore) {                             $ arrfiles [] = $ dir. "/". $ valore;                         }                     } altro {                         $ arrfiles [] = $ dir. "/". $ file;                     }                 }             }             chdir ( "../");         }         closedir ($ handle);     }     restituire $ arrfiles; } function writeUTF8File ($ filename, $ content) {// บันทึก ไฟล์ เป็น UTF8         $ F = fopen ($ filename, "w");         # Ora UTF-8 - Aggiungi contrassegno ordine byte         fwrite ($ f, pack ("CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf));         fwrite ($ f, $ content);         fclose ($ f); } ? & Gt;

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Daniel Beck

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