Accesso al flusso della telecamera IP


Sto provando a installare tre telecamere IP che ho ricevuto per usarle in ZoneMinder. Secondo l'interfaccia web della telecamera, lo stream può essere visualizzato su:

Ma, dal momento che sto scrivendo qui, ovviamente non funziona (almeno non usando vlc o avconv ).

avconv dice:

[http @ 0x230e9c0] HTTP error 405 Unsupported Service Input/output error

avconv -v debug non rivela nulla di nuovo.

vlc dice:

[0x7f2a680013b8] access_http access error: error: HTTP/1.0 405 Unsupported Service
[0x7f2a680013b8] access_mms access error: cannot read data 2

Tuttavia, se accedo allo stesso indirizzo utilizzando Windows Media Player (WinXP in esecuzione in VirtualBox), funziona correttamente.

Spero che qualcuno possa far luce sull'argomento e darmi dei consigli su come posso procedere.

Modificare: vlc sembra di essere in grado di connettersi alla telecamera (si scopre che si chiama Camera3), ma non è in grado di riprodurre qualsiasi cosa ...

vlc -vv http://... dice:

[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: Creating an input for ''
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: `' gives access `http' demux `' path `'
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' location='' file='(null)'
[0x7fe17c0010d8] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[0x7fe17c0010d8] main demux debug: no access_demux module matched "http"
[0x7fe17c0010d8] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.180 ms - Total 0.180 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.180 ms)
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: creating access 'http' location='', path='(null)'
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: looking for access module: 2 candidates
[0x12ce1c8] qt4 interface debug: IM: Setting an input
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: asking libproxy about url ''
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: libproxy suggest to use 'direct://'
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: http: server='' port=8090 file='/live.asf'
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: net: connecting to port 8090
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 13)
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 405
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access error: error: HTTP/1.0 405 Unsupported Service
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: switching to HTTP version 1.0
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: net: connecting to port 8090
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 13)
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 405
[0x7fe17c001418] access_http access error: error: HTTP/1.0 405 Unsupported Service
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: net: connecting to port 8090
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 13)
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: HTTP reply 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: content-length = 627
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: stream type = broadcast
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access error: cannot read data 2
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: complete header size=615
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: packet count=0 packet size=65535
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: starting stream
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: net: connecting to port 8090
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: connection succeeded (socket = 13)
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: HTTP reply 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Content-Type: application/
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Server: Cougar/
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Content-Length: 627
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Pragma: charset=UTF-8
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:52:23 GMT
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Pragma: no-cache, pipeline-experiment=1, client-id=517094983, xResetStrm=1, features="broadcast", timeout=60000
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0, x-wms-stream-type="broadcast", user-public, must-revalidate, x-wms-proxy-split
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Last-Modified: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:52:23 GMT
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: Supported:,,,,
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: using access module "access_mms"
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 10087.772 ms - Total 10087.772 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10087.772 ms)
[0x7fe17c007428] main stream debug: Using block method for AStream*
[0x7fe17c007428] main stream debug: starting pre-buffering
[0x7fe17c007428] main stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0x7fe17c007428] main stream debug: prebuffering done 615 bytes in 0s - 20709 KiB/s
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 7 candidates

[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access error: cannot read data 2
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 10024.180 ms - Total 10024.180 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10024.179 ms)
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.289 ms - Total 0.289 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.289 ms)
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' location='' file='(null)'
[0x7fe17c005e08] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 54 candidates
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:565
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "header object" subobj:5, reserved1:1, reserved2:2
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365 size:104
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "file properties object" file_id:0x0-0x0-0x0-0x0000000000000000 file_size:0 creation_date:0 data_packets_count:0 play_duration:0 send_duration:0 preroll:0 flags:1 min_data_packet_size:65535  max_data_packet_size:65535 max_bitrate:500000
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365 size:156
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "header extension object" reserved1:0xabd3d211-0xa9ba-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 reserved2:6 header_extension_size:110
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:110
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "extended stream properties object":
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - start=0 end=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - data bitrate=500000 buffer=1000 initial fullness=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - alternate data bitrate=500000 buffer=1000 initial fullness=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - maximum object size=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - flags=0x0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - stream number=1 language=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - average time per frame=1000000
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - stream name count=0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - payload extension system count=1
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x75b22633-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:64
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "content description object" title:"Camera3" artist:"" copyright:"" description:"" rating:""
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:129
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "stream Properties object" stream_type:0xbc19efc0-0x5b4d-0x11cf-0xa8fd00805f5c442b error_correction_type:0x20fb5700-0x5b55-0x11cf-0xa8fd00805f5c442b time_offset:0 type_specific_data_length:51 error_correction_data_length:0 flags:0x1 stream_number:1
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 size:82
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "codec list object" reserved_guid:0x86d15241-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 codec_entries_count:1
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:   - codec[0] video name:"Topsee Video" description:"" information_length:4
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: found object guid: 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:50
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: read "data object" file_id:0x0-0x0-0x0-0x0000000000000000 total data packet:0 reserved:257
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: + 'Unknown' GUID 0x0-0x0-0x0-0x0000000000000000 size:0pos:0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      + 'Header' GUID 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:565pos:0
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    + 'File Properties' GUID 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365 size:104pos:30
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    + 'Header Extension' GUID 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365 size:156pos:134
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    |    + 'Extended Stream Properties' GUID 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:110pos:180
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    + 'Content Description' GUID 0x75b22633-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:64pos:290
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    + 'Stream Properties' GUID 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:129pos:354
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      |    + 'Codec List' GUID 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 size:82pos:483
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug:      + 'Data' GUID 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:50pos:565
[0x7fe17c005e08] asf demux debug: found 1 streams
[0x7fe17c005e08] asf demux debug: added new video stream(ID:1)
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: selecting program id=0
[0x7fe17c007428] main stream warning: 0 bytes need to be skipped (access non seekable)

[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access error: cannot read data 2
[0x7fe17c005e08] main demux debug: using demux module "asf"
[0x7fe17c005e08] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 7.017 ms - Total 7.017 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.017 ms)
[0x7fe17c004018] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 31 candidates
[0x7fe17c004018] avcodec decoder debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 0x352300)
[0x7fe17c004018] avcodec decoder debug: trying to use direct rendering
[0x7fe17c004018] avcodec decoder debug: allowing 3 thread(s) for decoding
[0x7fe17c004018] avcodec decoder debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v3) started
[0x7fe17c004018] main decoder debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
[0x7fe17c004018] main decoder debug: TIMER module_need() : 19.934 ms - Total 19.934 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 19.934 ms)
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access warning: unimplemented query in control
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] main demux meta debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/derigs/.local/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua playlist script /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.luac
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] main demux meta debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x7fe17c01ebd8] main demux meta debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.094 ms - Total 1.094 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.094 ms)

[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: `' successfully opened

[0x7fe17c005e08] asf demux warning: cannot peek while getting new packet, EOF ?
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: EOF reached
[0x12cb968] main playlist debug: finished input

[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: waitpipe: object killed
[0x7fe17c004018] main decoder debug: removing module "avcodec"
[0x7fe17c004018] avcodec decoder debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v3) stopped
[0x7fe17c004018] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `DIV3', 1 PES in FIFO
[0x7fe17c005e08] main demux debug: removing module "asf"
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x75b22633-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c
[0x7fe17c002788] asf stream debug: free asf object 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c
[0x7fe190000b78] main input debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
[0x7fe17c002788] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
[0x7fe17c001418] main access debug: removing module "access_mms"
[0x7fe17c001418] access_mms access debug: closing stream
[0x12cb968] main playlist debug: dead input
[0x12cb968] main playlist debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
[0x12cb968] main playlist debug: nothing to play
[0x12ce1c8] qt4 interface debug: IM: Deleting the input

Che tipo di fotocamera stai usando? C'è un nome utente / password che è necessario fornire?

Non devo fornire un nome utente utilizzando Win Media Player, quindi la risposta è no. Il problema con il "tipo di macchina fotografica" è che non è brandizzato in modo impacciato. All'esterno c'è solo scritto "EX-VIEW IP CAMERA". La versione del firmware dice: "3C-CNW 版本 号: V1.0.87". Nel complesso si tratta di una telecamera IP esterna con connessione cablata. Questo è tutto ciò che posso dire al riguardo adesso.

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