Espansione dei parametri in bash
In bash
questo caso è possibile utilizzare l'espansione dei parametri
dove word
dove word
Rimuovi l'ultima parte
$ asdf="xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/yyy"
$ echo ${asdf%/*}
Questo è descritto in man bash
Remove matching suffix pattern. The word is expanded to produce
a pattern just as in pathname expansion. If the pattern matches
a trailing portion of the expanded value of parameter, then the
result of the expansion is the expanded value of parameter with
the shortest matching pattern (the ``%'' case) or the longest
matching pattern (the ``%%'' case) deleted. If parameter is @
or *, the pattern removal operation is applied to each posi‐
tional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant
list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with @ or
*, the pattern removal operation is applied to each member of
the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.
Rimuovi tutto tranne l'ultima parte
$ asdf="xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/yyy"
$ echo ${asdf##*/}
Puoi aggiungere una barra in questo modo
$ echo /${asdf##*/}
per ottenere esattamente quello che volevi in una determinata istanza in base alla domanda modificata. Ma la domanda è stata modificata da diverse persone in seguito e non è facile sapere cosa vuoi ora.
Questo è descritto in man bash
Remove matching prefix pattern. The word is expanded to produce
a pattern just as in pathname expansion. If the pattern matches
the beginning of the value of parameter, then the result of the
expansion is the expanded value of parameter with the shortest
matching pattern (the ``#'' case) or the longest matching pat‐
tern (the ``##'' case) deleted. If parameter is @ or *, the
pattern removal operation is applied to each positional parame‐
ter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If param‐
eter is an array variable subscripted with @ or *, the pattern
removal operation is applied to each member of the array in
turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.