Sto grepping una stringa da più file, ma l'unico effetto collaterale indesiderato è il nome del file che precede l'output. Come posso eliminare gli output del nome file usando solo grep?
$ grep -i lp lpNet*
lpNet:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
lpNet:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is.
lpNet1:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
lpNet1:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is.
lpNet2:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
lpNet2:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is.
lpNet3:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
lpNet3:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is.
Per ora ho risolto il problema utilizzando cat lpNet * | grep lp Mi chiedo solo se esiste un percorso più efficiente per avere lo stesso effetto