Modifica: ho corretto un errore di battitura nel regex. Aveva bisogno di un '\ x80` non \ 80 .
La regex per filtrare i moduli UTF-8 non validi, per aderenza rigorosa a UTF-8, è la seguente
perl -l -ne '/
^( ([\x00-\x7F]) # 1-byte pattern
|([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]) # 2-byte pattern
|((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF])) # 3-byte pattern
|((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2})) # 4-byte pattern
)*$ /x or print'
Uscita (di linee chiave. Dal test 1 ):
00001000 Test=1 mode=strict valid,invalid,fail=(1000,0,0)
0000E000 Test=1 mode=strict valid,invalid,fail=(D800,800,0)
0010FFFF mode=strict test-return=(0,0) valid,invalid,fail=(10F800,800,0)
D. Come si creano i dati di test per testare una regex che filtra Unicode non valido?
A. Crea il tuo algoritmo di test UTF-8 e infrange le sue regole ...
Catch-22 .. Ma poi, come testare il tuo algoritmo di test?
Il regex, sopra, è stato testato (usando iconv
come riferimento) per ogni valore intero da 0x00000
a 0x10FFFF
.. Questo valore superiore è il valore intero massimo di un punto di codice Unicode
Secondo questa pagina UTF-8 di Wikipedia , .
- UTF-8 codifica ciascuno dei 1.112.064 punti di codice nel set di caratteri Unicode, usando da uno a quattro byte a 8 bit
Questo numero (1.112.064) equivale a un intervallo 0x000000
a 0x10F7FF
, che è 0x0800 timido del valore intero massimo effettivo per il punto di codice Unicode più alto:0x10FFFF
Questo blocco di numeri interi non è presente nello spettro dei codici codificati Unicode, a causa della necessità che la codifica UTF-16 passi oltre l'intento di progettazione originale tramite un sistema chiamato coppie surrogate . Un blocco di 0x0800
numeri interi è stato riservato per essere utilizzato da UTF-16 .. Questo blocco estende l'intervallo 0x00D800
a 0x00DFFF
. Nessuno di questi parametri è un valore Unicode legale e quindi valori UTF-8 non validi.
Nel test 1 , il regex
è stato testato su ogni numero nell'intervallo di punti di codice Unicode e corrisponde esattamente ai risultati di iconv
... ie. 0x010F7FF valori validi e 0x000800 valori non validi.
Tuttavia, ora sorge il problema di: * In che modo regex gestisce il valore UTF-8 fuori portata; sopra 0x010FFFF
(UTF-8 può estendersi a 6 byte, con un valore intero massimo di 0x7FFFFFFF ?
Per generare i valori di byte UTF-8 * non unicode necessari , ho usato il seguente comando:
perl -C -e 'print chr 0x'$hexUTF32BE
Per testare la loro validità (in qualche modo), ho usato Gilles'
regex UTF-8 ...
perl -l -ne '/
^( [\000-\177] # 1-byte pattern
|[\300-\337][\200-\277] # 2-byte pattern
|[\340-\357][\200-\277]{2} # 3-byte pattern
|[\360-\367][\200-\277]{3} # 4-byte pattern
|[\370-\373][\200-\277]{4} # 5-byte pattern
|[\374-\375][\200-\277]{5} # 6-byte pattern
)*$ /x or print'
L'output di 'perl's print chr' corrisponde al filtro del regex di Gilles .. Uno rafforza la validità dell'altro .. Non posso usare iconv
perché gestisce solo il sottoinsieme Standard Unicode valido del più ampio (originale) UTF-8 standard...
I nunbers coinvolti sono piuttosto grandi, quindi ho testato top-of-range, bottom-of-range e diverse scansioni avanzando di incrementi come, 11111, 13579, 33333, 53441 ... I risultati corrispondono tutti, quindi ora non resta che testare la regex rispetto a questi valori fuori range fuori dallo stile UTF-8 (non valido per Unicode e quindi non valido anche per lo stesso UTF-8).
Ecco i moduli di test:
[[ "$(locale charmap)" != "UTF-8" ]] && { echo "ERROR: locale must be UTF-8, but it is $(locale charmap)"; exit 1; }
# Testing the UTF-8 regex
# Tests to check that the observed byte-ranges (above) have
# been accurately observed and included in the test code and final regex.
# =========================================================================
: 2 bytes; B2=0 # run-test=1 do-not-test=0
: 3 bytes; B3=0 # run-test=1 do-not-test=0
: 4 bytes; B4=0 # run-test=1 do-not-test=0
: regex; Rx=1 # run-test=1 do-not-test=0
((strict=16)); mode[$strict]=strict # iconv -f UTF-16BE then iconv -f UTF-32BE beyond 0xFFFF)
(( lax=32)); mode[$lax]=lax # iconv -f UTF-32BE only)
# modebits=$strict
# UTF-8, in relation to UTF-16 has invalid values
# modebits=$strict automatically shifts to modebits=$lax
# when the tested integer exceeds 0xFFFF
# modebits=$lax
# UTF-8, in relation to UTF-32, has no restrictione
# Test 1 Sequentially tests a range of Big-Endian integers
# * Unicode Codepoints are a subset ofBig-Endian integers
# ( based on 'iconv' -f UTF-32BE -f UTF-8 )
# Note: strict UTF-8 has a few quirks because of UTF-16
# Set modebits=16 to "strictly" test the low range
Test=1; modebits=$strict
# Test=2; modebits=$lax
# Test=3
mode3wlo=$(( 1*4)) # minimum chars * 4 ( '4' is for UTF-32BE )
mode3whi=$((10*4)) # minimum chars * 4 ( '4' is for UTF-32BE )
# 1 byte UTF-8 values: Nothing to do; no complexities.
# 2 Byte UTF-8 values: Verifying that I've got the right range values.
if ((B2==1)) ; then
echo "# Test 2 bytes for Valid UTF-8 values: ie. values which are in range"
# =========================================================================
time \
for d1 in {194..223} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 11000010 302 C2 194
# hi 11011111 337 DF 223
B2b1=$(printf "%0.2X" $d1)
for d2 in {128..191} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
B2b2=$(printf "%0.2X" $d2)
echo -n "${B2b1}${B2b2}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-8 >/dev/null || {
echo "ERROR: Invalid UTF-8 found: ${B2b1}${B2b2}"; exit 20; }
# Now do a negated test.. This takes longer, because there are more values.
echo "# Test 2 bytes for Invalid values: ie. values which are out of range"
# =========================================================================
# Note: 'iconv' will treat a leading \x00-\x7F as a valid leading single,
# so this negated test primes the first UTF-8 byte with values starting at \x80
time \
for d1 in {128..193} {224..255} ;do
#for d1 in {128..194} {224..255} ;do # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B2b2)
B2b1=$(printf "%0.2X" $d1)
for d2 in {0..127} {192..255} ;do
#for d2 in {0..128} {192..255} ;do # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B2b1)
B2b2=$(printf "%0.2X" $d2)
echo -n "${B2b1}${B2b2}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-8 2>/dev/null && {
echo "ERROR: VALID UTF-8 found: ${B2b1}${B2b2}"; exit 21; }
# 3 Byte UTF-8 values: Verifying that I've got the right range values.
if ((B3==1)) ; then
echo "# Test 3 bytes for Valid UTF-8 values: ie. values which are in range"
# ========================================================================
time \
for d1 in {224..239} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 11100000 340 E0 224
# hi 11101111 357 EF 239
B3b1=$(printf "%0.2X" $d1)
if [[ $B3b1 == "E0" ]] ; then
B3b2range="$(echo {160..191})"
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10100000 240 A0 160
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
elif [[ $B3b1 == "ED" ]] ; then
B3b2range="$(echo {128..159})"
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10011111 237 9F 159
B3b2range="$(echo {128..191})"
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
for d2 in $B3b2range ;do
B3b2=$(printf "%0.2X" $d2)
echo "${B3b1} ${B3b2} xx"
for d3 in {128..191} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
B3b3=$(printf "%0.2X" $d3)
echo -n "${B3b1}${B3b2}${B3b3}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-8 >/dev/null || {
echo "ERROR: Invalid UTF-8 found: ${B3b1}${B3b2}${B3b3}"; exit 30; }
# Now do a negated test.. This takes longer, because there are more values.
echo "# Test 3 bytes for Invalid values: ie. values which are out of range"
# =========================================================================
# Note: 'iconv' will treat a leading \x00-\x7F as a valid leading single,
# so this negated test primes the first UTF-8 byte with values starting at \x80
# real 26m28.462s \
# user 27m12.526s | stepping by 2
# sys 13m11.193s /
# real 239m00.836s \
# user 225m11.108s | stepping by 1
# sys 120m00.538s /
time \
for d1 in {128..223..1} {240..255..1} ;do
#for d1 in {128..224..1} {239..255..1} ;do # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B2b2,$B3b3)
B3b1=$(printf "%0.2X" $d1)
if [[ $B3b1 == "E0" ]] ; then
B3b2range="$(echo {0..159..1} {192..255..1})"
#B3b2range="$(> {192..255..1})" # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B3b1,$B3b3)
elif [[ $B3b1 == "ED" ]] ; then
B3b2range="$(echo {0..127..1} {160..255..1})"
#B3b2range="$(echo {0..128..1} {160..255..1})" # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B3b1,$B3b3)
B3b2range="$(echo {0..127..1} {192..255..1})"
#B3b2range="$(echo {0..128..1} {192..255..1})" # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B3b1,$B3b3)
for d2 in $B3b2range ;do
B3b2=$(printf "%0.2X" $d2)
echo "${B3b1} ${B3b2} xx"
for d3 in {0..127..1} {192..255..1} ;do
#for d3 in {0..128..1} {192..255..1} ;do # force a valid UTF-8 (needs $B2b1)
B3b3=$(printf "%0.2X" $d3)
echo -n "${B3b1}${B3b2}${B3b3}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-8 2>/dev/null && {
echo "ERROR: VALID UTF-8 found: ${B3b1}${B3b2}${B3b3}"; exit 31; }
# Brute force testing in the Astral Plane will take a VERY LONG time..
# Perhaps selective testing is more appropriate, now that the previous tests
# have panned out okay...
# 4 Byte UTF-8 values:
if ((B4==1)) ; then
echo "# Test 4 bytes for Valid UTF-8 values: ie. values which are in range"
# ==================================================================
# real 58m18.531s \
# user 56m44.317s |
# sys 27m29.867s /
time \
for d1 in {240..244} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 11110000 360 F0 240
# hi 11110100 364 F4 244 -- F4 encodes some values greater than 0x10FFFF;
# such a sequence is invalid.
B4b1=$(printf "%0.2X" $d1)
if [[ $B4b1 == "F0" ]] ; then
B4b2range="$(echo {144..191})" ## f0 90 80 80 to f0 bf bf bf
# bin oct hex dec 010000 -- 03FFFF
# lo 10010000 220 90 144
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
elif [[ $B4b1 == "F4" ]] ; then
B4b2range="$(echo {128..143})" ## f4 80 80 80 to f4 8f bf bf
# bin oct hex dec 100000 -- 10FFFF
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10001111 217 8F 143 -- F4 encodes some values greater than 0x10FFFF;
# such a sequence is invalid.
B4b2range="$(echo {128..191})" ## fx 80 80 80 to f3 bf bf bf
# bin oct hex dec 0C0000 -- 0FFFFF
# lo 10000000 200 80 128 0A0000
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
for d2 in $B4b2range ;do
B4b2=$(printf "%0.2X" $d2)
for d3 in {128..191} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
B4b3=$(printf "%0.2X" $d3)
echo "${B4b1} ${B4b2} ${B4b3} xx"
for d4 in {128..191} ;do
# bin oct hex dec
# lo 10000000 200 80 128
# hi 10111111 277 BF 191
B4b4=$(printf "%0.2X" $d4)
echo -n "${B4b1}${B4b2}${B4b3}${B4b4}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-8 >/dev/null || {
echo "ERROR: Invalid UTF-8 found: ${B4b1}${B4b2}${B4b3}${B4b4}"; exit 40; }
echo "# Test 4 bytes for Valid UTF-8 values: END"
# There is no test (yet) for negated range values in the astral plane. #
# (all negated range values must be invalid) #
# I won't bother; This was mainly for me to ge the general feel of #
# the tests, and the final test below should flush anything out.. #
# Traversing the intire UTF-8 range takes quite a while... #
# so no need to do it twice (albeit in a slightly different manner) #
### The construction of: ####
### The Regular Expression ####
### (de-construction?) ####
# 1: [\x00-\x7F]
# ===========
# ([\x00-\x7F])
# 2: [\xC2-\xDF] [\x80-\xBF]
# =================================
# ([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])
# 3: [\xE0] [\xA0-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]
# [\xED] [\x80-\x9F] [\x80-\xBF]
# [\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF] [\x80-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]
# ==============================================
# ((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF]))
# 4 [\xF0] [\x90-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]
# [\xF1-\xF3] [\x80-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]
# [\xF4] [\x80-\x8F] [\x80-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]
# ===========================================================
# ((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2}))
# The final regex
# ===============
# 1-4: (([\x00-\x7F])|([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])|((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF]))|((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2})))
# 4-1: (((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2}))|((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF]))|([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])|([\x00-\x7F]))
# The final Test; for a single character (multi chars to follow) #
# Compare the return code of 'iconv' against the 'regex' #
# for the full range of 0x000000 to 0x10FFFF #
# #
# Note; this script has 3 modes: #
# Run this test TWICE, set each mode Manually! #
# #
# 1. Sequentially test every value from 0x000000 to 0x10FFFF #
# 2. Throw a spanner into the works! Force random byte patterns #
# 2. Throw a spanner into the works! Force random longer strings #
# ============================== #
# #
# Note: The purpose of this routine is to determine if there is any #
# difference how 'iconv' and 'regex' handle the same data #
# #
if ((Rx==1)) ; then
# real 191m34.826s
# user 158m24.114s
# sys 83m10.676s
time {
decBeg=$((0x00110000)) # incement by decimal integer
decMax=$((0x7FFFFFFF)) # incement by decimal integer
for ((CPDec=decBeg;CPDec<=decMax;CPDec+=13247)) ;do
((D==1)) && echo "=========================================================="
# Convert decimal integer '$CPDec' to Hex-digits; 6-long (dec2hex)
hexUTF32BE=$(printf '%0.8X\n' $CPDec) # hexUTF32BE
# progress count
if (((CPDec%$((0x1000)))==0)) ;then
((Test>2)) && echo
echo "$hexUTF32BE Test=$Test mode=${mode[$modebits]} "
if ((Test==1 || Test==2 ))
then # Test 1. Sequentially test every value from 0x000000 to 0x10FFFF
if ((Test==2)) ; then
UTF8="$( perl -C -e 'print chr 0x'$hexUTF32BE |
perl -l -ne '/^( [\000-\177]
| [\300-\337][\200-\277]
| [\340-\357][\200-\277]{2}
| [\360-\367][\200-\277]{3}
| [\370-\373][\200-\277]{4}
| [\374-\375][\200-\277]{5}
)*$/x and print' |xxd -p )"
[[ -n "$UTF8" ]] \
&& rcIco32=0 || rcIco32=1
elif ((modebits==strict && CPDec<=$((0xFFFF)))) ;then
UTF8="$( echo -n "${hexUTF32BE:4}" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-16BE -t UTF-8 2>/dev/null)" \
&& rcIco16=0 || rcIco16=1
UTF8="$( echo -n "$hexUTF32BE" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-32BE -t UTF-8 2>/dev/null)" \
&& rcIco32=0 || rcIco32=1
# echo "1 mode=${mode[$modebits]}-$bits rcIconv: (${rcIco16},${rcIco32}) $hexUTF32BE "
if ((${rcIco16}${rcIco32}!=0)) ;then
# 'iconv -f UTF-16BE' failed produce a reliable UTF-8
if ((bits==16)) ;then
((D==1)) && echo "bits-$bits rcIconv: error $hexUTF32BE .. 'strict' failed, now trying 'lax'"
# iconv failed to create a 'srict' UTF-8 so
# try UTF-32BE to get a 'lax' UTF-8 pattern
UTF8="$( echo -n "$hexUTF32BE" |
xxd -p -u -r |
iconv -f UTF-32BE -t UTF-8 2>/dev/null)" \
&& rcIco32=0 || rcIco32=1
#echo "2 mode=${mode[$modebits]}-$bits rcIconv: (${rcIco16},${rcIco32}) $hexUTF32BE "
if ((rcIco32!=0)) ;then
((D==1)) && echo -n "bits-$bits rcIconv: Cannot gen UTF-8 for: $hexUTF32BE"
# echo "3 mode=${mode[$modebits]}-$bits rcIconv: (${rcIco16},${rcIco32}) $hexUTF32BE "
if ((rcIco16==0 || rcIco32==0)) ;then
# 'strict(16)' OR 'lax(32)'... 'iconv' managed to generate a UTF-8 pattern
((D==1)) && echo -n "bits-$bits rcIconv: pattern* $hexUTF32BE"
((D==1)) && if [[ $bits == "16" && $rcIco32 == "0" ]] ;then
echo " .. 'lax' UTF-8 produced a pattern"
# regex test
if ((modebits==strict)) ;then
#rxOut="$(echo -n "$UTF8" |perl -l -ne '/^(([\x00-\x7F])|([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])|((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF]))|((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2})))*$/ or print' )"
rxOut="$(echo -n "$UTF8" |
perl -l -ne '/^( ([\x00-\x7F]) # 1-byte pattern
|([\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]) # 2-byte pattern
|((([\xE0][\xA0-\xBF])|([\xED][\x80-\x9F])|([\xE1-\xEC\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]))([\x80-\xBF])) # 3-byte pattern
|((([\xF0][\x90-\xBF])|([\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF])|([\xF4][\x80-\x8F]))([\x80-\xBF]{2})) # 4-byte pattern
)*$ /x or print' )"
if ((Test==2)) ;then
rx="$(echo -n "$UTF8" |perl -l -ne '/^([\000-\177]|[\300-\337][\200-\277]|[\340-\357][\200-\277]{2}|[\360-\367][\200-\277]{3}|[\370-\373][\200-\277]{4}|[\374-\375][\200-\277]{5})*$/ and print')"
[[ "$UTF8" != "$rx" ]] && rxOut="$UTF8" || rxOut=
rx="$(echo -n "$rx" |sed -e "s/\(..\)/\1 /g")"
rxOut="$(echo -n "$UTF8" |perl -l -ne '/^([\000-\177]|[\300-\337][\200-\277]|[\340-\357][\200-\277]{2}|[\360-\367][\200-\277]{3}|[\370-\373][\200-\277]{4}|[\374-\375][\200-\277]{5})*$/ or print' )"
if [[ "$rxOut" == "" ]] ;then
((D==1)) && echo " rcRegex: ok"
((D==1)) && echo -n "bits-$bits rcRegex: error $hexUTF32BE .. 'strict' failed,"
((D==1)) && if [[ "12" == *$Test* ]] ;then
echo # " (codepoint) Test $Test"
elif [[ $Test == 2 ]]
then # Test 2. Throw a randomizing spanner into the works!
# Then test the arbitary bytes ASIS
hexLineRand="$(echo -n "$hexUTF32BE" |
sed -re "s/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/\1\n\2\n\3\n\4\n\5\n\6\n\7\n\8/" |
sort -R |
tr -d '\n')"
elif [[ $Test == 3 ]]
then # Test 3. Test single UTF-16BE bytes in the range 0x00000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF
echo "Test 3 is not properly implemented yet.. Exiting"
exit 99
echo "ERROR: Invalid mode"
if ((Test==1 || Test=2)) ;then
if ((modebits==strict && CPDec<=$((0xFFFF)))) ;then
if ((rcRegex!=rcIconv)) ;then
[[ $Test != 1 ]] && echo
if ((rcRegex==1)) ;then
echo "ERROR: 'regex' ok, but NOT 'iconv': ${hexUTF32BE} "
echo "ERROR: 'iconv' ok, but NOT 'regex': ${hexUTF32BE} "
elif ((rcRegex!=0)) ;then
# ((invalCt++)); echo -ne "$hexUTF32BE exit-codes $${rcIco16}${rcIco32}=,$rcRegex\t: $(printf "%0.8X\n" $invalCt)\t$hexLine$(printf "%$(((mode3whi*2)-${#hexLine}))s")\r"
if ((Test==1)) ;then
echo -ne "$hexUTF32BE " "mode=${mode[$modebits]} test-return=($rcIconv,$rcRegex) valid,invalid,fail=($(printf "%X" $validCt),$(printf "%X" $invalCt),$(printf "%X" $failCt)) \r"
echo -ne "$hexUTF32BE $rx mode=${mode[$modebits]} test-return=($rcIconv,$rcRegex) val,inval,fail=($(printf "%X" $validCt),$(printf "%X" $invalCt),$(printf "%X" $failCt))\r"
} # End time