In Vimdiff, come posso cambiare i riquadri sinistro e destro?


Quando lo faccio vimdiff file2 file1, file2va naturalmente a sinistra e file1a destra.

A volte trovo che li metto nella direzione sbagliata, quindi mi piacerebbe essere in grado di cambiarli senza lasciare Vim. È possibile?



Puoi usare Ctrlw- x. Da :he CTRL-W_x:

CTRL-W x                                            CTRL-W_x CTRL-W_CTRL-X
CTRL-W CTRL-X   Without count: Exchange current window with next one.  If there
                is no next window, exchange with previous window.
                With count: Exchange current window with Nth window (first
                window is 1).  The cursor is put in the other window.
                When vertical and horizontal window splits are mixed, the
                exchange is only done in the row or column of windows that the
                current window is in.


Come cambieresti in qualsiasi altra finestra, <c-w>xo ci <c-w>rsono due opzioni.

Avere solo due finestre aperte <c-w>kle commuterà e lascerà il cursore nella finestra in cui si trovava prima dell'interruttore (ovvero se prima dell'interruttore la finestra focalizzata si trova sulla sinistra, dopo l'interruttore sarà sulla sinistra).

<c-w>x cambierà le finestre e sposterà il cursore nella finestra commutata (cioè la finestra focalizzata rimarrà a sinistra se fosse a sinistra).

Vedere :help window-movingper ulteriori comandi per spostare Windows aroud.


Trovo i seguenti comandi molto più intuitivi di Ctrlw- x.

:help CTRL-W_K

The following commands can be used to change the window layout.  For example,
when there are two vertically split windows, CTRL-W K will change that in
horizontally split windows.  CTRL-W H does it the other way around.

CTRL-W K    Move the current window to be at the very top, using the full
        width of the screen.  This works like closing the current
        window and then creating another one with ":topleft split",
        except that the current window contents is used for the new

CTRL-W J    Move the current window to be at the very bottom, using the
        full width of the screen.  This works like closing the current
        window and then creating another one with ":botright split",
        except that the current window contents is used for the new

CTRL-W H    Move the current window to be at the far left, using the
        full height of the screen.  This works like closing the
        current window and then creating another one with
        ":vert topleft split", except that the current window contents
        is used for the new window.
        {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit| feature}

CTRL-W L    Move the current window to be at the far right, using the full
        height of the screen.  This works like closing the
        current window and then creating another one with
        ":vert botright split", except that the current window
        contents is used for the new window.
        {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit| feature}

Questi comandi possono tuttavia modificare le dimensioni della finestra, quindi fai attenzione.

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