Attualmente il mio Vim evidenzia abbinando parentesi, parentesi, virgolette, ecc. Con sfondo ciano e primo piano bianco - il cursore può essere spostato tra questi con %
. Grazie a my matchit.vim, posso anche passare %
tra if / end, for / end, ecc., Tuttavia questi non sono evidenziati nella selezione.
Come posso evidenziare automaticamente queste coppie corrispondenti alla selezione, come avviene automaticamente con le parentesi?
Inoltre, come posso modificare il colore di sfondo usato per queste coppie usando :highlight
Grazie in anticipo.
Ho aggiornato la risposta di @Tommy A di seguito per tenere conto dei matchit.vim
gruppi mal specificati e di altre situazioni in cui l' %
operatore non riporta mai il cursore nella posizione originale. Scopri le differenze nel ciclo "while". A chiunque legga questa discussione si consiglia di utilizzare questa versione, per evitare cicli infiniti:
function! s:get_match_lines(line) abort
" Loop until `%` returns the original line number; abort if
" (1) the % operator keeps us on the same line, or
" (2) the % operator doesn't return us to the same line after some nubmer of jumps
let a:tolerance=25
let a:badbreak=1
let a:linebefore=-1
let lines = []
while a:tolerance && a:linebefore != line('.')
let a:linebefore=line('.')
let a:tolerance-=1
normal %
if line('.') == a:line
" Note that the current line number is never added to the `lines`
" list. a:line is the input argument 'line'; a is the FUNCTION BUFFER
let a:badbreak=0
call add(lines, line('.'))
"Return to original line no matter what, return list of lines to highlight
execute "normal ".a:line."gg"
if a:badbreak==1
return []
return lines
function! s:hl_matching_lines() abort
" `b:hl_last_line` prevents running the script again while the cursor is
" moved on the same line. Otherwise, the cursor won't move if the current
" line has matching pairs of something.
if exists('b:hl_last_line') && b:hl_last_line == line('.')
let b:hl_last_line = line('.')
" Save the window's state.
let view = winsaveview()
" Delete a previous match highlight. `12345` is used for the match ID.
" It can be anything as long as it's unique.
silent! call matchdelete(12345)
" Try to get matching lines from the current cursor position.
let lines = s:get_match_lines(view.lnum)
if empty(lines)
" It's possible that the line has another matching line, but can't be
" matched at the current column. Move the cursor to column 1 to try
" one more time.
call cursor(view.lnum, 1)
let lines = s:get_match_lines(view.lnum)
if len(lines)
" Since the current line is not in the `lines` list, only the other
" lines are highlighted. If you want to highlight the current line as
" well:
" call add(lines, view.lnum)
if exists('*matchaddpos')
" If matchaddpos() is availble, use it to highlight the lines since it's
" faster than using a pattern in matchadd().
call matchaddpos('MatchLine', lines, 0, 12345)
" Highlight the matching lines using the \%l atom. The `MatchLine`
" highlight group is used.
call matchadd('MatchLine', join(map(lines, '''\%''.v:val.''l'''), '\|'), 0, 12345)
" Restore the window's state.
call winrestview(view)
function! s:hl_matching_lines_clear() abort
silent! call matchdelete(12345)
unlet! b:hl_last_line
" The highlight group that's used for highlighting matched lines. By
" default, it will be the same as the `MatchParen` group.
highlight default link MatchLine MatchParen
augroup matching_lines
" Highlight lines as the cursor moves.
autocmd CursorMoved * call s:hl_matching_lines()
" Remove the highlight while in insert mode.
autocmd InsertEnter * call s:hl_matching_lines_clear()
" Remove the highlight after TextChanged.
autocmd TextChanged,TextChangedI * call s:hl_matching_lines_clear()
augroup END