Domande taggate «forecasting»

Esistono buoni modelli linguistici predefiniti per Python?
Sto prototipando un'applicazione e ho bisogno di un modello linguistico per calcolare la perplessità su alcune frasi generate. Esiste un modello di linguaggio addestrato in Python che posso usare facilmente? Qualcosa di semplice come model = LanguageModel('en') p1 = model.perplexity('This is a well constructed sentence') p2 = model.perplexity('Bunny lamp robert …
11 python  nlp  language-model  r  statistics  linear-regression  machine-learning  classification  random-forest  xgboost  python  sampling  data-mining  orange  predictive-modeling  recommender-system  statistics  dimensionality-reduction  pca  machine-learning  python  deep-learning  keras  reinforcement-learning  neural-network  image-classification  r  dplyr  deep-learning  keras  tensorflow  lstm  dropout  machine-learning  sampling  categorical-data  data-imputation  machine-learning  deep-learning  machine-learning-model  dropout  deep-network  pandas  data-cleaning  data-science-model  aggregation  python  neural-network  reinforcement-learning  policy-gradients  r  dataframe  dataset  statistics  prediction  forecasting  r  k-means  python  scikit-learn  labels  python  orange  cloud-computing  machine-learning  neural-network  deep-learning  rnn  recurrent-neural-net  logistic-regression  missing-data  deep-learning  autoencoder  apache-hadoop  time-series  data  preprocessing  classification  predictive-modeling  time-series  machine-learning  python  feature-selection  autoencoder  deep-learning  keras  tensorflow  lstm  word-embeddings  predictive-modeling  prediction  machine-learning-model  machine-learning  classification  binary  theory  machine-learning  neural-network  time-series  lstm  rnn  neural-network  deep-learning  keras  tensorflow  convnet  computer-vision 

Come prevedere i valori futuri dell'orizzonte temporale con Keras?
Ho appena costruito questa rete neurale LSTM con Keras import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import preprocessing from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation from keras.activations import linear from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM from keras.models import Sequential from matplotlib import pyplot #read and prepare data from datafile data_file_name …

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