Ho realizzato questa classe SoundAnalyzer per rilevare i ritmi nelle canzoni:
class SoundAnalyzer
public SoundBuffer soundData;
public Sound sound;
public List<double> beatMarkers = new List<double>();
public SoundAnalyzer(string path)
soundData = new SoundBuffer(path);
sound = new Sound(soundData);
// C = threshold, N = size of history buffer / 1024 B = bands
public void PlaceBeatMarkers(float C, int N, int B)
List<double>[] instantEnergyList = new List<double>[B];
GetEnergyList(B, ref instantEnergyList);
for (int i = 0; i < B; i++)
PlaceMarkers(instantEnergyList[i], N, C);
private short[] getRange(int begin, int end, short[] array)
short[] result = new short[end - begin];
for (int i = 0; i < end - begin; i++)
result[i] = array[begin + i];
return result;
// get a array of with a list of energy for each band
private void GetEnergyList(int B, ref List<double>[] instantEnergyList)
for (int i = 0; i < B; i++)
instantEnergyList[i] = new List<double>();
short[] samples = soundData.Samples;
float timePerSample = 1 / (float)soundData.SampleRate;
int sampleIndex = 0;
int nextSamples = 1024;
int samplesPerBand = nextSamples / B;
// for the whole song
while (sampleIndex + nextSamples < samples.Length)
complex[] FFT = FastFourier.Calculate(getRange(sampleIndex, nextSamples + sampleIndex, samples));
// foreach band
for (int i = 0; i < B; i++)
double energy = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < samplesPerBand; j++)
energy += FFT[i * samplesPerBand + j].GetMagnitude();
energy /= samplesPerBand;
if (sampleIndex + nextSamples >= samples.Length)
nextSamples = samples.Length - sampleIndex - 1;
sampleIndex += nextSamples;
samplesPerBand = nextSamples / B;
// place the actual markers
private void PlaceMarkers(List<double> instantEnergyList, int N, float C)
double timePerSample = 1 / (double)soundData.SampleRate;
int index = N;
int numInBuffer = index;
double historyBuffer = 0;
//Fill the history buffer with n * instant energy
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
historyBuffer += instantEnergyList[i];
// If instantEnergy / samples in buffer < instantEnergy for the next sample then add beatmarker.
while (index + 1 < instantEnergyList.Count)
if(instantEnergyList[index + 1] > (historyBuffer / numInBuffer) * C)
beatMarkers.Add((index + 1) * 1024 * timePerSample);
historyBuffer -= instantEnergyList[index - numInBuffer];
historyBuffer += instantEnergyList[index + 1];
Per qualche motivo rileva solo battiti da 637 secondi a circa 641 secondi e non ho idea del perché. So che i battiti vengono inseriti da più bande poiché trovo duplicati e sembra che stia assegnando un battito a ciascun valore di energia istantanea tra questi valori.
È modellato su questo: http://www.flipcode.com/misc/BeatDetectionAlgorithms.pdf
Quindi perché i battiti non si registrano correttamente?