Domande taggate «ecryptfs»

ecryptfs: auto-umount non funziona
Ho impostato una home directory crittografata per l'utente piranha3: root@raspberrypi:~# ecryptfs-verify -u piranha3 -h INFO: [/home/piranha3/.ecryptfs] exists INFO: [/home/piranha3/.ecryptfs/Private.sig] exists INFO: [/home/piranha3/.ecryptfs/Private.sig] contains [2] signatures INFO: [/home/piranha3/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt] exists INFO: [/home/piranha3] is a directory INFO: [/home/piranha3/.ecryptfs/auto-mount] Automount is set INFO: Mount point [/home/piranha3] is the user's home INFO: Ownership [piranha3] of …
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