I requisiti API possono essere trovati in una qualsiasi delle specifiche o estensioni. Eccone uno: https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/EXT/texture_filter_anisotropic.txt
Tutti i fornitori di GPU probabilmente si discostano dalle specifiche perché la qualità AF faceva parte di molti benchmark. E le attuali implementazioni continueranno a evolversi mentre i nuovi carichi di lavoro sottolineano le approssimazioni esistenti. Sfortunatamente, per sapere esattamente cosa faccia uno dei due, dovrai far parte di una delle aziende. Ma puoi valutare lo spettro delle possibilità dai seguenti documenti, elencati in ordine crescente di qualità e costi di implementazione:
Citando dalle specifiche:
Anisotropic texture filtering substantially changes Section 3.8.5.
Previously a single scale factor P was determined based on the
pixel's projection into texture space. Now two scale factors,
Px and Py, are computed.
Px = sqrt(dudx^2 + dvdx^2)
Py = sqrt(dudy^2 + dvdy^2)
Pmax = max(Px,Py)
Pmin = min(Px,Py)
N = min(ceil(Pmax/Pmin),maxAniso)
Lamda' = log2(Pmax/N)
where maxAniso is the smaller of the texture's value of
TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT or the implementation-defined value of
It is acceptable for implementation to round 'N' up to the nearest
supported sampling rate. For example an implementation may only
support power-of-two sampling rates.
It is also acceptable for an implementation to approximate the ideal
functions Px and Py with functions Fx and Fy subject to the following
1. Fx is continuous and monotonically increasing in |du/dx| and |dv/dx|.
Fy is continuous and monotonically increasing in |du/dy| and |dv/dy|.
2. max(|du/dx|,|dv/dx|} <= Fx <= |du/dx| + |dv/dx|.
max(|du/dy|,|dv/dy|} <= Fy <= |du/dy| + |dv/dy|.
Instead of a single sample, Tau, at (u,v,Lamda), 'N' locations in the mipmap
at LOD Lamda, are sampled within the texture footprint of the pixel.
Instead of a single sample, Tau, at (u,v,lambda), 'N' locations in
the mipmap at LOD Lamda are sampled within the texture footprint of
the pixel. This sum TauAniso is defined using the single sample Tau.
When the texture's value of TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPHY_EXT is greater
than 1.0, use TauAniso instead of Tau to determine the fragment's
texture value.
TauAniso = 1/N \ Tau(u(x - 1/2 + i/(N+1), y), v(x - 1/2 + i/(N+1), y)), Px > Py
TauAniso = 1/N \ Tau(u(x, y - 1/2 + i/(N+1)), v(x, y - 1/2 + i/(N+1))), Py >= Px
It is acceptable to approximate the u and v functions with equally spaced
samples in texture space at LOD Lamda:
TauAniso = 1/N \ Tau(u(x,y)+dudx(i/(N+1)-1/2), v(x,y)+dvdx(i/(N+1)-1/2)), Px > Py
TauAniso = 1/N \ Tau(u(x,y)+dudy(i/(N+1)-1/2), v(x,y)+dvdy(i/(N+1)-1/2)), Py >= Px
sono molto dettagliate. Forse potrebbe aiutarti a capire meglio il processo.